REDNECK RAMPAGE BUILD Games v4-30-2014 Release 11 © RTCM Corvin ,
Redneck Rampage & Redneck Rampage Cuss Pack:
©1997 Xatrix Entertainment. All rights reserved. Redneck Rampage Rides Again:
©1998 Xatrix Entertainment. All rights reserved. Redneck Rampage Suckin' Grits
On Route 66: ©1997 Xatrix Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Interplay, the
Interplay logo, "By Gamers. For Gamers.", Redneck Rampage, Redneck Rampage Rides
Again, Redneck Rampage Suckin' Grits on Route 66, Cuss Pack, Redneck Rampage
Family Reunion, and "By Rednecks. Fer Rednecks." are trademarks of Interplay
Productions. Xatrix and the Xatrix logo are trademarks of Xatrix Entertainment,
Inc. Redneck Rampage™ Suckin' Grits on Route 66 developed
by: Sunstorm and the Sunstorm logo are
trademarks of Sunstorm Interactive. All rights reserved. Exclusively licensed
and distributed by Interplay Productions. All other copyrights and trademarks
are the property of their respective owners. Some software code appearing in
REDNECK RAMPAGE™ © 1996, 1997 3D Realms Entertainment. All other trademarks are
the property of their respective companies.If your one of the designers or programmers of this Game, we'd
love to have all the source code and tools you used to make the
three PC
Please contact me.
This page is graphic intensive. Please be patient.
Game: Redneck Rampage
a.k.a. - Redneck or RR
Fourteen different levels and multiple locations provide fast action fighting,
with power-ups of pork rinds, whiskey, and beer aplenty. The rustic, quirky
charm of the deep, DEEP South comes to life in hilarious detail in Redneck
Rampage with rich SVGA graphics and guarandamnteed authentic redneck
dialogue. A real kick-ass soundtrack features Mojo Nixon (UFO's, Big Rigs and
Bar-B-Que), Beat Farmers (Baby's Liquored Up), and special tunes from
The Reverend Horton Heat.
Leonard and Bubba gotta get back Bessie, their
prize-winnin' pig who's been abducted by aliens in Redneck Rampage, a
ruckus-raisin' riot of a first person 3D shooter set in the fictional town of
Hickston, Arkansas.
Armed with up to nine impractical and occasionally illegal weapons ranging
from a crowbar to an alien arm gun (to pull the trigger, yank on the tendon),
blast your way with the boys through country bars and trailer parks. The aliens
have been busy conducting experiments, cloning local folks like Hickston's
resident drunkard, Billy Ray.
Now these ornery alien enemies lurk behind every outhouse and jukebox,
scratching themselves and waitin' to whoop yer butt. If you thought navigating
through a melted-down Los Angeles or sneaking around ogres' castles was tough,
then just try your hand a-whompin' and a-stompin' the good ol' boys at Stanky's
Bar & Grill. You'll find there's nothin' more terrifyin' than the deep chuckle
of an inbred alien clone stalking you in the backwoods, with nobody to hear your
teeth chattering but the fifty chickens milling around underfoot.
Suckin' Grits On Route 66 After rescuin' their prize pig Bessie from the
aliens, the Rednecks need a vacation. The aliens, looking for revenge, send
their evil clones to the most famous tourist spots in the South. Join Leonard
and Bubba as they guzzle more moonshine and blast more alien critters in this
official and authorized Redneck Rampage expansion pack.
Rides Again Arkansas Well, after we crash-landed that UFO, Bubba and
me found ourselfs in the middle of the desert. Well Bubba said he wants to go
home, and hell, I don't blame him 'cause there ain't no place like Hickston.
With a gang of aliens hot on our tail, I guess we're gonna have to blast our
way through jackalope farms, DisGraceland, and a riverboat and brothel (Bubba
can't wait) as well as all hell 'fore we get home again.
Guess we're gonna have to find us some kinda transpo'tation if we're gonna
make it. Me, I'm jus' itchin' to get my hands on one of them big hog motorcycles
or maybes a swamp buggy.
Redneck Deer Huntin'
Bag a big one! Redneck Deer Huntin' lets you hone your hunting skills and
experience the thrill of the kill, all without ever wearing blaze orange. Made
by the creators of Redneck Rampage™, this hunting game lets you explore the site
and set up for the shot through the eyes of the hunter, not an overhead map.
Featuring a variety of weapons, terrain, and animals to hunt, Redneck Deer
Huntin' will keep even avid hunters home on the weekends.

Redneck Rampage is a BUILD game tweaked for performance
for hires textures and video modes. You
won't see the blocky pixilated sprites, There drawn at high res. It even runs
faster than Shadow Warrior. Overall Video performance is much better. It appears they took
the Duke code (v1.3) and tweaked it out, or at least used it for comparison. The game
comes with CONS and separate 'include' cons. The extra cons break down the coding, this
allows easy error checking and enhancing (which any build game with cons can do). Everything
is pretty much standard. The setup program, commit (v1.3), and the files formats.
Redneck Rampage is a ruckus-raisin' riot of a first-person 3D shooter
set in the fictional town of Hickston, Arkansas. Armed with up to ten impractical weapons,
players blast their way through country bars, trailer parks, and chicken processing plants
in search of their missing pig who's been abducted by evil aliens. But they ain't gonna
make it without enough fuel (pork rinds and whiskey) to fend off good ol' boys with
sawed-off shotguns who aim to blow away their bony behinds.
Redneck Rampage - A Butt-Kickin', Gun-totin' 3D Romp Through Hickston,
U.S.A. Suckin' Grits On Route 66 - Additional Levels and Twice the
Cuss Pack - Gin-u-Wine Redneck vocabulary add-on fer a more "colorful"
Rides Again - The Hilarious Sequel to the Original with More Guns and Bigger
Hogs! (A Standalone game)
Family Reunion - Ya'll invited to our family reunion! The guest list
includes the o'riginal Redneck Rampage™, Redneck Rampage™ Suckin' Grits on
Route 66, Redneck Rampage™ Rides Again, and the Cuss Pack™! With all this
ammunishun, aliens, barnyard animals, swamp buggies and pigs in one place,
who can resist? See ya'll there! (March 1999)
Partial games on CD:
Possum Bayou - Partial (=Rip off) A
limited version of Redneck Rampage, seven levels.
The Early Years - Partial (=Rip off) A
limited version of Redneck Rampage, the first five levels and eight
multiplayer death match levels.
Game: Created using the
"Duke Nukem 3D" engine.
- Weapons:
In the demo version you have four weapons:
- Crowbar - A very personal way to beat the shit out of someone.
- .454 Pistol - It packs a mean wallop, great for long range shooin'...
- Shotgun - Hold the fire key down to shoot both barrels at once!
- Dynamite - Perfect for blowin' shit up...
The full game has nine different weapons (some impractical,
some illegal, some both), including dynamite, a crow bar,
double-barrel shotguns, a ripsaw gun, and an alien arm gun (you
gotta see it to believe it).
- Fourteen levels set in and around Hickston, including the
suburb of Taylor Town, the junkyard, the local insane asylum,
and a smelting plant.
- Multiple fighting locations on each level, such as: Stanky's
Bar & 'ill; the Eden Court trailer park (under perpetual barrage
by tornadoes); abandoned uranium mines (now inhabited by
aliens); Grimley's Mortuary; J. Cluck's Poultry Processing Plant
(home of the cream-filled chicken eclair) and the local sewage
treatment facility (yech!).
- A bevy of weird hostile alien enemies incarnated as local
folks, including Billy Ray Jeter, Skinny Old Coot, Sheriff
Hobbes, and the Turd Minions.
Suckin' Grits On Route 66 The Official Level Pack for Redneck Rampage!
More Locations! Features 12 all-new levels So pack your bags, load the shotgun,
and get ready as the Rednecks ride again!
Follow the Rednecks through hilarious locations like these:
- Jake's Gator Farm and Carnival of Terror
- Big Bertha's Truck Haven and Shooting Range
- Big Billy's World Famous Gut Bustin' Brewery
- World's Smelliest Flea Market
- Slaughterhouse and Meat Packing Plant
- Billy Bob's Mini Golf and Fun Park
- House of Ill Repute
- Mystery Dinosaur Cave and Pet Coffin Factory
- Campy Crystal Lake
- RV Show and Bigfoot Convention
- Hoover Dam Tourist Attraction
- Oddity Museum and Alien Crash Site
- More Humor! Leonard and Bubba head out for a well deserved
rest, Redneck Style!
- Can the country survive the alien onslaught sent to
capture them?
- Can the country survive Leonard and Bubba?
- More Killin'! In addition to Billy Ray Jeter, the Ol' Coot,
and the ever-luscious alien Vixen, face new enemies!
Rides Again
Bubba and Leonard are back and ready to party in Redneck Rampage
Rides Again! After crash landing in an alien spaceship, they have to
find their way home across America, leaving a path of destruction in
their wake. With brand new levels and locations, redneck characters,
motorcycles, swamp buggies, and twisted down-home weapons, you'll
have more fun than a pig in slop.
- More rednecks than the 'riginal. Folks like Billy Ray Jeter,
Skinny Old Coot, Daisy Mae, Bikers, Pigs, Cows, Jackalopes and maybe
even an Elvis sighting or two.
- Joyride a swamp buggy or motorcycle that are armed to the teeth
and fit'n to run people over (yee-haw). And the vehickles have
mounted machine guns or mortars that launch huge shells for those
home-style explosions.
- Over 10 wicked weapons like a crossbow that shoots
dynamite-loaded chickens to go along with the crowbar and shotguns.
- Good ol' redneck powerups like pork rinds, cow pies, and the kind
of beverages you need an ID to purchase.
- Toe-tapping tunes by the outrageous and controversial Mojo Nixon.
- 14 new levels and locations that will satisfy even the most
civilized of yer kin.
- 7 Levels Optimized for the Pissing Contest.
- Up to six rednecks can play at the same time over a LAN!
- Watch for Toxic orange cactus, trip you out for a short
Deer Huntin'
The only hunting game with a 3D engine (BUILD Engine / RR Game Engine)
to let you walk the terrain instead of "sit & spin".
- Explore acres of photo-realistic terrain, including forest,
snow, lake, and others. HUNTIN' GROUNDS include:
Snowbrush Ridge is home to deer and wild
boar. It packs a fine powder of snow, so tracks and markings
are easy to spot. There are two main hunting areas in which
to hunt. If you don't like the one you're in, leave and come
back in. |
Lake Swampy is the only place in Redneck
Deer Huntin' where you can set up for a duck shoot. Drop
your decoys in the lake and wait for the flock to settle in.
The alternate location for Lake Swampy is the other side of
the lake, so if your luck is running low, try a new
perspective. |
Ozark Forest supports a wide variety of
wildlife, but is best known for wild boar, which can only be
found here. The trick here is not to get distracted by other
game. You don't want to be drawing a 6-shooter on an angry
boar. There are two areas of the Ozarks to explore. |
Sagebrush Flats is home to Deer and Turkey.
Don't get distracted by the beautiful fall scenery and
concentrate on what you're huntin'. Dry branches are
especially dangerous here, as one wrong noise sends the
critters scampering up into the hills. The alternate
location starts you deeper into the woods. |
The shooting range is a good place to warm
up before setting off on a hunt. Practice loading and
hitting the bullseye with your different weapons. |
- Choice of 4 different animals to hunt: deer, duck,
razorback, and wild turkey.
- Hunt using a rifle, shotgun, pistol, or crossbow for varying
difficulty levels.
- Walk or quietly track your prey from the hunter's point of
view, not overhead.
- Track your game by actually spotting tracks, markings,
droppings, and other tell-tale signs.
- Starring Burton Gilliam as Leonard.
- Play Leonard, a Redneck native guide, has plenty of
commentary to help you bag the big ones.
- Display your kills in the Redneck trophy room and compare
with your friends!
- Play the only hunting game with humor and personality!
- The only BUILD Game to use the function keys and sticky keys
such as kneeling.
- Sounds for braches on the ground if you step on them. Also
if you pass into a tree you hear the braches slap back.
- Footsteps - You have footstep sounds for snow, grass etc...
- Calls - Such as duck calls activate the Duck A.I. to choose
to respond.
- Status Bar - Has wind direction and a compass. Your smell or
a scent you spray has an effect on the A.I.
- Floating Sprite - A Duck decoy that floats on water. Bobbing
up and down.
- Includes an extended CONtrol language.
- High-resolution sprites/textures, rendered 3D model SVGA graphics, attention to detail.
The art work is 3d modeled instead of flat images on sprites. Weapon art work is increased
compared to other games in the genre. Art is done to actually support higher resolution game settings.
More Details(RR and RA):
- Pushing objects:
There is currently one object in the 'Redneck Rampage' demo that you can 'push'. Look for
the shelf located in the back room of the country store. Simply walk up to the left side
of the shelf and move your character against it and it will move out of the way to reveal
a secret area in the back. There are other objects in the full game you
can push too.
- Exploding silo:
To get into the silo, toss a stick of dynamite at the bullseye! Once opened, you'll be
able to walk right in.
- Ladders:
The 'Redneck Rampage' demo also has a ladder that you can climb. When you find it, simply
use the 'up' key to ascend, and the 'down'' key to descend. Some ladders
are small enough to walk up, (its an invisible lift)
- Power-ups:
When your health is getting low from taking too much buckshot, find yourself a bag of pork
rinds or a moonpie for a quick power up. Also, if you find a bottle of whiskey, you can
take it with you and use it whenever needed by simply pressing the 'W' key. You can drink
beer too but don't get too drunk or you'll get your ass shot off pretty damn quickly. Hint: when you get drunk eat some food ... it'll sober your ass up pretty quickly.
- The alcohol and gut meters:
Drinking heals you, just like in real life. It also gives you a greater sense of courage
and strength by reducing your intellect and inhibitions. If you become really shit-faced,
however, you will experience adverse effects, just like in real life. You'll see...
Hint: get into the green zone of both the alcohol and gut meters. When you're a little
buzzed and have a little food in your gut, you'll kick more ass and take less damage.
- Weapons have recoil especially the full auto "huntin' rifle"
- Tornado Storms that lift you up and drop you again. Hurting
you of course.
- Mirrors without extended rooms behind.
- Muddy surface that slow player movement.

Crowbar There is nothing so satisfying as the bone-jarrin' feeling
of a cold piece of steel laid across a warm skull.
Max Ammo: Unlimited |
.454 Casull pistol This ain't no pea-shooter, boy. She packs quite
a punch and is real accurate from a distance.
Max Ammo: 198 Bullets |
Gun The primary weapon for some up-close and personal killin'.
Tap her gently to let off a single load, or lean on her to empty both barrels.
Max Ammo: 50 Shells |
Ranch Rifle Pssst...
Don't tell sheriff Hobbes now, but we done modified this baby to be fully automatic.
Remember, fire in controlled bursts if ya don't wanna be shootin' at the sky...
Max Ammo: 200 Bullets
Dynamite Light them, throw them, then go the hell out of there.
Don't wait to long. :) The box of dynamite can be shot.
Max Ammo: 30 Sticks |
Crossbow This is a very good long distance weapon.
Max Ammo: 30 Sticks (Uses the same Ammo as dynamite) |
Rip Saw This here is your dual-purpose killin' machine--one mode
gives ya that close-up chainsaw action, while the other is perfect few some long-distance
mutilation. Best watch out for that nasty rebound now.
Max Ammo: 30 Saw Blades |
Alien Arm Gun Well know, them tendons is a little slimy, and the
fireworks it lets out'll burn the hair on your arms clean off , but I'll be damned if this
thing won't crispify just about anything.
Max Ammo: 99 Bolts |
Power Keg Thems give new meanin' to the phrase "Handle with
care." I wouldn't even recommend fartin' too close to these things. You can set 'em
off with just about anything... Just make shore you shoot 'em from a safe distance.
Max Ammo: 1 Keg |
Bowling Ball This is a not really a weapon... does no damage, but
it is a funny weapon still... Try this one out on chickens!
Max Ammo: 1 Bowling Ball |
Alien Bra Gun (Teat) Use this weapon only if there are lots of enemies
around you. Then they are all dead. :)
Max Ammo: 200 bra bullets |
Detonator |
Rides Again Only |
Swamp Buggy with mortar weapon. |
Motorcycle with machine gun weapons. |
Sling Blade
You find this weapon at a level start. |
Deer Huntin' Only: WEAPONS & AMMO
After you choose the place you want to hunt, you may choose from four
weapons. You can load different ammo out in the field whenever you want.
Stick a scope on top of the rifle and you've got a more
accurate long-range weapon. Easier to aim and hit game from far away,
and perfect for deer hunting - especially if you're a big fatso with
footsteps like Paul Bunyan, and can't walk to half a mile of a deer
without bolting.
AMMO: 180 gr. hollow soft point bullets are designed for short- to
mid-range impact, or you can switch to 150 gr. soft point boat tail
rounds for those long shots. |
Ammo (speedloader)
Gun Ammo
Blaster Ammo
Cow Pie - Adds Health
(Inventory Item)
Large Pork Rinds - Adds Health
Goo Goo Cluster - Adds allot of Health
Whisky - Adds Health but can make you drunk. (the drunker ya get, the harder
it’ll be t’walk straight. An’ the more gut ya get, the harder it’ll be t’sneak
up on them aliens.) (Inventory Item)
Beer - Adds Health but can make you drunk. (the drunker ya get, the harder
it’ll be t’walk straight. An’ the more gut ya get, the harder it’ll be t’sneak
up on them aliens.) (Inventory Item)
Keys - Three keys that all look alike, unlocking different doors or mechanisms.
Hip Waders - Protective against harmful surfaces,
speeds you up on muddy/turd surfaces. Auto activated.
Cleaner Hose
Snorkel System - Works like scuba air tank.
Auto activated.
Mooshine - Speed boost and Melee damage boost.
(Inventory Item)
find him and hit him with the crowbar to end the level. Don't kill him or you
have to start over. He'll be calling out to you and waving his arms. Not all end
levels will require Bubba to be present.
Rides Again Only
Chicken Crossbow Ammo.
If you shoot the pick-up then it will explode, so be careful.
Motorcycle Gun Ammo
Buggy Mortar Ammo
varments are our natural born enemies! So allways "Shoot first THEN take a drink of
beer. NEVER both at once"! |
These maybe be your pets/food but, if they attack you KILL 'EM! Then you'll eat 'em.
You may have heard a yarn or two about the size of the insect life here in the deep south.
Now, I suggest ya don't take these stories too lightly, 'cause I've seen some mosquitoes
in my time that could suck a full-grown steer bone dry. Hell, some farmers 'round these
parts even claim that a 'skeeter can carry off a javelina if it gets hungry enough. Ain't
no bug repellent in the world gonna keep these bastards away, so ya best be keeping a
loaded shotgun handy if'n you're gonna go traipsin' through the backwoods.
Chickens really don't make good huntin', 'cause they just ain't much of a challenge. Now I
reckon ya might be able to get 'em riled up enough to provide some decent target practice,
but as far as I'm concerned, they's generally just a pain in the ass, and is constantly
gettin' in yer way. Nope, if ya ask me, a chicken is at its best when its floatin' way
down at the bottom of a J. Cluck's deep fryin' vat. |
Cow It always
amazes me how many slugs you can pump into a cow before she'll go down. Hell, I hit one
with my truck once and it took the radiator and grill completely out. Damn thing just kept
on walkin' cross the road too, as if it never paid me no mind. I'll tell ya, them animals
make for some great cover when yer ass is in a bind. They ain't so bright though; I tipped
one over once and it took it nearly a whole day to figger out how to get back up.
Dog Dogs round
here ain't like them lazy city dogs; they gots t' earn their keep. You be might careful
not to go messin' round with no farm dogs, 'cause they're awful temperamental about
strangers bein' in their territory. Ya best pay attention to what I'm sayin' now, 'cause
if ya get one of them mongreloids after yer ass, you'll be prayin' fer the fastest cowboy
boots that's ever graced the face of this earth. Very tuff dogs and their bites do alot of damage. |
Pig Don't you
be shootin' no pigs now, ya hear. Some of my most favorite things on this earth is made
from them critters. Somehow, them animals always seem to lift me up when I'm feelin' down.
'Sides, they ain't quite as dumb as chickens and cows ya know. Piss off a javelina and she
might just gnaw yer foot off if'n ya ain't careful. |
 Rides Again Only |
 Jack o'lopes
Route 66 Only |
These aliens are the thiefs that stole our pig! So go kick some out-of-this-world @$$!
Turd Minion
Rumor has it that them turd minions is actually made from alien fecal matter. Yup, you
heard right, alien shit! Seems them buggers have found some kind a way to recycle their
own crap. They bring it to life and use them little buggers to do all their work for 'em.
Damn, I'm startin' to think I'm on the wrong side here. I mean, can ya imagine it? You
could take a dump and have the little turd go plow the back 40! Ah, just as well, those
little freaks probably would never get a lick o' work done, the way they always be hoppin'
around like that. Nope, more likely they wouldn't be worth... Well, worth a shit I
imagine. They fire turds and rush you to exploded on you. |
Alien Hulk Guards
Well now, them alien critters don't appear to be the sharpest pencils in the box, but I'll
be damned if they ain't the biggest. Not only that, but they is armed to the teeth (and I
think even those might be weapons too). Far as I can tell, those bastards is some kind of
half critter, half machine type thing. All I know fer sure is that if you really wanna
kill one, ya better blow his ass to bits. Otherwise, they seem to have some kinda backup
battery contraption that keeps rechargin' after a while. They Fire Energy Blasts and Proximity Spikes, and melee attack. |
Face |
Alien Vixens
It just pains my heart to have to fight such a luscious example of feminine beauty. Hell,
half the time I don't know whether to shoot her, or to f... errr, kiss her. I guess when
it comes right down to it though, I just cain't stomach gettin' my ass whupped by some
leather wearin' bitch. I must admit though, them twin machine guns look purty appealin'.
'Course, you wouldn't never catch me tryin' to use a contraption like that... not in
public anyhow. |
Rides Again Only |
Flying Saucer |
Minions Toss frogs at you. |
Minions Toss fire lit turds at you. |
Country Folk
These enemies MAY look like some of your kin, but don't be fooled, they ARN'T! They
really clones! So KILL 'EM! (If you read this page, you would know what I was going to say
;) |
Skinny Old Coot
Most of the town folk are a bit scared of that skinny old coot. No one can say fer sure
how old he is, but he's been livin' round here since long before anyone else can remember.
Folks say he's been touched by some bad mojo, and now he cain't be killed. A few people
have even claimed that they've actually seen the old man die. Somehow though, he always
manages to come back. To make things worse, the old fart hates trespassers, and thinks he
owns the whole county. Hell, he's so damn old that maybe that's not so impossible to
believe. |
Billy Ray Jeeter
Billy Ray has always been a bit of a loner, and doesn't care much for comp'ny (even though
he does consider most folks to be his counsin, an' in his case, he's likely right). Like
many folk round these parts, Billy Ray swims in the shallow end of the gene pool, if'n ya
catch my drift. Because of several generations of... errrr... selective breedin', he is
one mammoth of a man. That boy's skull is so thick, I swear you could crack a bowlin' ball
on it.
I heard a rumor about Billy Ray recently. Word has it he was out frog giggin' in the
swamp late one night, and one of them alien space ships sucked his big ass up. They say
they done cloned that boy, but was so disappointed with the results, they dumped the whole
lot back into the swamp. Now I guess there's supposed to be hundreds of them Billy Ray
clones traipsin' about, and no one knows which is the original. Hell, I don't see what's
so hard to figger out... just look for the one with the corn mash on his breath.
Sheriff Hobbes
Sheriff Hobbes is not a man to cross when on the wrong side of the law. For that matter,
he ain't a man to cross when on the -right- side of the law neither. Lester T. Hobbes
makes it well known that he puts up with no guff in his county. You'd probably find his
brand of southern justice is a might extreme, so be sure ya don't get on his bad side if
ya don't wanna end up in the swamps feedin' the 'gators. |
 Rides Again Only |
   Groovy Old Coot Single pistol shooting. |
Daisy Mae (cheerleader) Kicks and shoot fire from
her baton. |
 Frank Doyle (biker) Double pistol shooting. |
Deer Huntin' Only: TRACKING THE PREY
When duck hunting, stay quiet. You may see ducks fly in or take off from
the water's surface--you can follow their movement up-down and
You can pick up decoys that you have previously deployed. if
the ducks just aren't showing up, you should pick up all your decoys and
try a different part of the lake.
Ducks usually travel in flocks. For this reason, always make sure you
have a clear shot before firing, as your shotgun will scare the rest of
the flock.
Ducks know the difference between a duck and a human with a gun. If
you throw out a decoy and stand ten feet away, then you might as well
order a pizza for dinner, because you're going to come home
empty-handed. |
Rushing a boar takes bravery, but it's a good
technique. Boars aren't as sensitive or swift as deer. Just make sure
you have a potent enough gun to do the job.
At Snowbush Ridge, you can track deer by following
their footsteps in the snow.
If you see a deer, try to get upwind of it and deploy your attractant
scent. The deer will be all excited and come toward you. When it gets
close enough, shoot it. |

Animals have a keen sense of hearing. Loading your weapon early may
avoid scaring off a target, what with the noise of the barrel or the
insertion of the shell.
Be cautious in your movements and footsteps when stalking an animal.
If you step on a twig, don't be surprised if you spook your prey into
the next county.
You can also crawl toward the animal. This makes it less likely
you will scare it off with the noise of your footsteps.
Always keep an eye out for droppings - they're usually near an
Pay attention to the wind direction and your compass heading. Deer
are like walking noses and they'll bolt if they sense your B.O. |
While playing enter the codes, use the pause key if needed.
Redneck Rampage |
Code |
Description |
~ |
Respawn player |
rdall |
All items, keys, weapons, ammo and full health |
rdkeys |
All three keys |
rdclip |
Toggle clipping mode (walk through walls) |
rddebug |
Debugging information on\off |
rdelvis |
God mode on\off |
rdfuckngoxyy |
Go to episode (x) and map (yy) |
rdgofuckinxtoy |
?? X rated mode ??? |
rdmeadowxyy |
Go to episode (x) and map (yy) |
rdguns |
All weapons (cycle through weapons with ; and ' keys) |
rdinventory |
All inventory items |
rditems |
All items |
rdmonsters |
Toggles enemies on/off |
rdteachers |
"You were all wrong!" message Toggles enemies on/off |
rdcritters |
Toggles enemies on/off (Toggles Monster Respawning) |
rdcluck |
Spawns Chicken Feathers when the use key is pressed |
rdrate |
Shows frame rate |
rdshowmap |
Shows Map |
rdyerat |
Show Coordinates |
rdskill# |
Change skill number # (number from 0-4) 0=no
items or enemies |
rdunlock |
Toggle all locks |
rdbeta |
"Eat me!" message |
rdhounddog |
"Elvis is dead!" message (God Mode) |
rdmaxx |
"Maxx rules" message |
rdmoonshine |
Toggle Moonshine mode |
rdrafael |
"For your grandpa!" message |
rdview |
3rd person view (F7 Key also) |
rdtime |
Slower Game |
Rides Again
rdjoseph |
Motor Bike |
rdarijit |
Boat |
rddonut |
Boat |
rdwholeslagle |
Makes you sober (Toggle??) |
rdgary |
Turn into a chicken |
rdtony |
Shrinks enemies, more and more |
rdvan |
Larger enemies, more and more |
rdkfc |
Chicken Mode |
rdaaron |
Mushroom mode |
rdgreg |
Toggle boat rocking |
rdmrbill |
Increase Damage |
rdrhett |
Kills player |
rdnocheat |
Disables Cheat Mode |
rdnoah |
Lowers weapon (alternate debug info) |
rdmikael |
All items |
Deer Huntin'
While playing the game, enter one of the following codes to activate the
corresponding cheat function:
spork1 - Stealth Turbo Mode (allows you not to be detected by the animals)
spork2 - Shows tracking locations of animals on the map
dhcome - Attracts Deer to you
Original Concept, Design
And Direction
Drew Markham |
Produced By
Greg Goodrich |
Game Programming
Rafael Paiz |
Art Directors
Claire Praderie,
Michael "Maxx" Kaufman |
Lead Level Designer
Alex Mayberry |
Level Design
Mal Blackwell, Sverre Kvernmo |
Senior Animator And Artist
Jason Hoover |
Technical Director
Barry Dempsey |
Motion Capture Specialist
And Character Animation
Amit Doron |
Additional Animation
George Karl |
Character Design
Corky Lehmkuhl |
Map Painters
Viktor Antonov, Matthias Beeguer, Stephan Burle |
George Engel, Jake Garber, Jeff Himmel |
Burton Gilliam |
Bubba, Billy Ray, Skinny Ol'
Coot And The Turd Minion
Drew Markham |
Sheriff Lester T. Hobbes
Mojo Nixon |
Alien Vixen
Peggy Jo Jacobs |
Sound Design
Gary Bradfield |
Mojo Nixon,
The Beat Farmers,
The Reverend Horton Heat,
Cement Pond |
Additional Sound Effects
Jim Spurgin |
Motion Capture Actor
J.P. Manoux |
Motion Capture Vixen
Shawn Wolfe |
Production Assistance
Minerva Mayberry |
Nuts and Bolts
Steve Goldberg,
Marcus Hutchinson |
Bean Counting
Max Yoshikawa |
Administrative Assistance
Serafin Lewis |
Location Manager, Louisiana
Rick Skinner |
Location Scout, Louisiana
Brian Benos |
Carlos Serrao |
Additional 3D Modeling by
3 Name 3D,
Viewpoint Datalabs International |
Audio Recorded at
Pacific Ocean Post, Santa Monica, C.A. |
Cement Pond Tracks Recorded
Dreamstate Recording, Burbank, C.A. |
3D Build Engine Licensed
3D Realms Entertainment |
Build Engine and Related
Created By Ken Silverman |
Interplay Productions
A.I. Programming
Arthur Attila Donavan |
Lead Tester
Darrell Jones |
Tim Anderson, Erick Lujan
Tien Tran |
IS Techs
Bill Delk, Aaron Meyers |
Compatibility Techs
Marc Duran, Dan Forsyth
Derek Gibbs, Aaron Olaiz
Jack Parker |
Directory Of Compatibility
Phuong Nguyen |
Assistant QA Director
Colin Totman |
QA Director
Chad Allison |
QA Team #2 Lead:
Anthony Taylor |
QA Team #2:
Tymothi Loving, Chris Frankie
Adam Chaney, Amy Presnell
Chris Cayton |
Interplay Producer
Bill Dugan |
Interplay Line Producer
Chris Benson |
Interplay Logo
Tim Donley, Charles Deenen |
Chip Bumgardner, Brad Grace,
Kirk Tome |
Marketing Manager
Jim Veevaert |
Public Relations
Erika Price |
Manual Written by
Kelly And Greg Newcomb |
Manual Graphics and Design
Larry Fukuoka |
Special Thanks From Xatrix
Scott Miller, Todd Replogle,
Chuck Bueche, Don Maggi |
Extra Special Thanks
Brian Fargo |
Original Concept, Design
And Direction
Drew Markham |
Direction, Additional Design
Corky Lehmkuhl |
Produced By
Greg Goodrich |
Joseph Aurili |
Original Game Programming
Rafael Paiz |
Level Design
Rhett Baldwin, Aaron Barber |
Original Art Directors
and Support
Claire Praderie-Markham,
Michael "Maxx" Kaufman |
Graphics Supervisor and Character Animation Director
Barry Dempsey |
Senior Animator And
Jason Hoover |
Motion Capture Specialist
And Character Animation
Amit Doron |
Sound Design
and Music Production Coordinator
Gary Bradfield |
Dominique Drozdz |
Matthias Beeguer |
Viktor Antonov |
Victoria Sylvester |
Interplay Productions
Bill Dugan |
Chris Benson |
Title Sequence
Tim Donley |
Autorun and Misc. Programming
Darren Monahan |
Arthur Attila Donavan |
Assurance Project Supervisor
Darrell Jones |
Tim Anderson, Primo Pulanco, Mark McCarty, Brian Axline |
Director of
Phuong Nguyen |
Compatibility Tech
Jack Parker, Derek Gibbs, Marc Duran |
Scott Bennie |
Burton Gilliam |
Daisy Mae
Tara Charendoff |
Bubba, Billy Ray
Jeter, Skinny Ol'
Coot, The Turd Minion and Frank Doyle
Drew Markham |
Various Ramblings
Drew Markham |
Sheriff Lester T. Hobbes
Mojo Nixon |
Alien Vixen
Peggy Jo Jacobs |
Rampage" Written and Performed by
Mojo Nixon |
Blues" Traditional Banjo and Guitar Pickin' by
John Schlocker, Howard Yearwood |
"Ol' Joe
Clark" Traditional Banjo and Guitar Pickin' by
John Schlocker, Howard Yearwood |
Written and Performed by
Mojo Nixon |
Creek" Traditional Banjo and Guitar Pickin' by
John Schlocker, Howard Yearwood |
Written by
Drew Markham |
Produced by
Drew Markham, Jason Smith |
Performed by
Tiny D & The Sofa Kings (Drew Markham, Jason Smith,
Howard Anderson, Michael Labrador) |
"She A
Good'n" Traditional Banjo and Guitar Pickin' by
John Schlocker, Howard Yearwood |
Banjos" Written by
Arthur Smith |
Banjos" Performed by
John Schlocker, Howard Yearwood |
Dave Ahlert |
Jeff Gilbert |
Capture Actor
J.P. Manoux |
Capture Actress
Shawn Wolfe |
Alex Mayberry, Mal Blackwell |
Nuts and
Steve Goldberg |
Bean Counter
Max Yoshikawa |
Minerva Mayberry |
Pauline Marie Markham |
Production Baby
Alyson Kaufman |
3D Build
Engine License
3D Realms Entertainment |
Build Engine
and Related Tools Creator
Ken Silverman |