TEKWAR BUILD Game v11-25-2014 Release
10 © RTCM Corvin , RTCM Hank
TekWar is a copyright of
CAPSTONE. Some software code appearing in TEKWAR © 1996,
1997 3D Realms Entertainment. All other trademarks are the property of their
respective companies.This page is graphic intensive. Please be patient.

overview |
Description |
Features/Technology |
Weapons |
Items |
Enemies |
Cheat Codes |
Screenshots |

Game: TekWar a.k.a. - Tek War TekWar is a commercial
BUILD Engine game designed by Capstone. This was the
second BUILD
game Capstone made. This was also the second BUILD Game Released. First Witchaven, Then
TekWar. the others came later. Welcome to the future! Welcome to "New L.A."! William Shatner's TEKWAR the TV
series comes to life in an ultra-realistic, ground-breaking 3D action adventure. Battle
corrupt Tek Lords and their minions...criminals destroying the population with
"TEK," a mind-altering digital hallucinogenic. Engage in combat against these
super-intelligent felons using high-tek weapons and equipment. Embark on hazardous,
strategic missions to gather clues, unravel puzzles and interact with this virtual city.
Your boss is Walter Bascom (William Shatner), the head of the elite Cosmos Detective
Agency. He will guide you through the labyrinth of this metropolis. Learn how to use the
intricate cyber-highway of the Matrix(A level you float in, to represent the Matrix
interface) as you attempt to overcome powerful and relentless enemies.

Short Description
An awesome 3D first person shooter based on
the sci-fi book series authored by William Shatner. You're
an ex-cop who was sentenced to cryo sleep. When you awake you are recruited by the Cosmos
Detective Agency as a hitman. Why? Cause there's a dangerous new drug on the streets of
New LA: Tek! Take out the seven Tek Lords and their minions in 7 missions, but spare those
innocent civilians.
A City in Turmoil...
The year is 2045. The place is the Greater Los Angeles Metropolitan
Area (GLAMA). The threat: TEK. The most psychoactive mind alterant
ever devised by the human mind is peddled daily on the streets of
the inner city. This trade resists all efforts by the poorly funded
local authorities to halt its distribution, and it brings in
enormous wealth to those in control: the TekLords. The mafia
kingpins of the 21st century, the TekLords have divided the city
into seven boroughs to minimize infighting and maximize their
A New Threat...
Recently, an informant within the organization of TekLord Sonny
Hokori, the most powerful TekLord in the city, has come forth with a
story too frightening to ignore. He swears that the TekLords have
put aside their differences to increase the level of Tek addiction
to disastrous proportions. Their vehicle: The Matrix.
Nichol Petrovski, a noted cyberbiologist and Miyoshi Nakahara, a
Nobel prize winning cyberneticist have mysteriously disappeared. It
is believed that their skills are being used by the TekLords to
develop a means to distribute Tek across the Matrix. This would
addict the hundreds of thousands of people who use the Matrix in
their daily business; and once the flow of Tek on the Matrix is
stopped, these addicts will rely on the TekLord Consortium in the
physical world to get their fix.
Recently Thawed...
Who will save the city from this enslavement? YOU WILL. An ex-cop
framed for dealing with Tek, you have spent the last five years in
cyrogenic suspension in an orbiting prison platform called "the
Freezer." When you return to earth you discover that you have been
granted a "special parole" on the condition that you work for Walter
Bascom, head of the Cosmos Detective Agency.
You must investigate the efforts of the TekLords to use the Matrix
and find a way to stop them. If you succeed, thousands of innocents
escape the mind-ravaging effects of Tek. If you fail, the addiction
spreads, but you won't see that in the freezer...

- Real Civilian A.I.: They walk around and when
you un holster your gun they run away in fear,
ducking and speaking. Shooting them produces
animated blood
on walls behind them. NOTE: In the first demo of
tekwar, when shooting a target blood would show
where you hit them, the designers removed this in
the second, beta demo. However, using the Orlow weapon will
produce particles of body parts.
- Police Officers: They Respond to you un holstering and holstering a weapon.
They verbally warn you to drop your gun.
this doesn't apply to a bad guy, the Officers only see you.
- Matrix Level: You float around in it. There's a lotag that is placed at the players
starting point to indicate "flight" Its believed this method of flight is perhaps
an early "underwater/swimming" code, or perhaps a "jetpack."
It seems to use the tekwar ladder code. Not much of
the Matrix is covered on this page, I may re-explore
it another time.
- William Shatner stars in original full-motion video footage, assigning you on strategic
missions and critiquing your performance. Shooting civilians is frowned
- Jump, duck and move with speed. Using the powerful "Build" engine, exclusively
licensed from 3D Realms, TekWar has freedom in movement & perspective, along with
strategic, interactive game play.
- Watch your back. The advanced enemy A.I. in this world will keep defenses and
apprehension high as you battle numerous digitized characters. They may
guard a location, chase you, or even stalk you. In
combat, don’t be surprised if they dodge, duck and
take advantage of cover. If you notice a door you
closed is now open,
watch out. A goon may be stalking you!
- A virtual, living, breathing metropolis of the future comprised of 7 distinct areas.
Ride subways and buses. Explore offices, hospitals, alleyways, sewers and more in this
massive game play field with intricate maps that transcend traditional 3-D game levels.
- Network play for up to 16 and head-to-head Modem play
- Pulsating sound effects and original CD-quality music.
Also Midi music.
- Most of it is digitized from real world props
and people. Some of it is 3D-rendered models, others are
drawn sprites.
- Playable in SVGA.
More Details:
- TekWar actually predated Duke and introduced a lot of new features: like travelling in
trains and a hub system for the levels. Where it loads a map while in
the game, seamless as if one single map. Also
teleporting areas, sending you from one area of the
map to the next. It also has ROR, but you can't be
looking at both sections at the same time(ex: Sewer
1 map.) There are
ladders, you can climb by holding jump, climb down
with crouch. Speed up climbing by holding down run
Transparent Water. No where in the game can you swim
underwater. Pickup, carry and throw objects is
possible. Blast marks on the ground when an Android
explodes. Temporary gun blast marks on walls when
you or an enemy hit.
- Mouse Aim: To aim up and down, assign the caps
lock for aim up/dwn. This will allow you to use the
mouse to aim, however there's no invert mouse
(Blue pistol) Kralov CEG-15 Stunner (Weapon 1) This pistol fires a ball of highly charged particles that will
short out its targets nervous system and render them unconscious for a short
period of time. Energy Ammo is unlimited.
C&W Model 2040
(Weapon 2) This semiautomatic pistol fires caseless rounds.
For when precise aiming is needed. It is the
choice weapon of most TekGoons, so scavenged clips will serve to reload.
Shrike DBK
(Weapon 3) The Shrike DBK, is a
semiautomatic energy round weapon, with tracking. This
weapon uses
charges to reload. Shoots Three Plasma Balls, that explode on
impact. Accu Track Item improves accuracy. NOTE: In the demo of tekwar
this weapon was the Orlow and rightly ripped its targets apart.
the designers mixed the effects of the Shrike and Orlow with each other.
Orlow 34s
(Weapon 4) An aggressive upgrade from the Shrike DBK, This weapon fires energy rounds
that expand on impact, violently
ripping its target to pieces. Like the Shrike, it uses charges to reload. Shoots red blaster bolts.
Gun (Weapon 5) This pistol fires an electromagnetic pulse
designed to stun androids, and people.
It must be recharged.
(Weapon 6) This rifle fires long gouts of a volatile chemical mixture that
bursts into flame on contact with air. The fluid also has a glutinous
consistency, causing it to stick to its target and inflict horrendous burn
damage. This weapon requires fuel canisters to reload.
Bazooka Launcher
(Weapon 7) This shoulder-mounted weapon fires short range rockets that
explode on impact, obliterating its target and much of the surrounding
infrastructure as well. Originally designed as heat-seekers for aircraft, the
targeting acuity of these rockets has been increased to track a human target.
Note: They are picked up with the
spacebar (while on top of them or looking at
them at arms length, sometimes you need to duck to pick them up) and then
thrown with the Enter key.
You can hold onto the item for as long as you want till you need
it. But you only
can carry one item at a time. No HUD display, its simply in your
left hand.
(need image) Stun Grenades *NOT sure this is in
the game.
(need image) Force Charge *NOT sure this is in
the game. A canister of liquid plastic explosive equipped with a kinetic
detonator. This weapon is thrown and explodes on impact.
A canister of liquid plastic explosive equipped with a kinetic
This weapon is thrown and explodes after a few secs. Note: The
designers reused
the Bazooka rocket for the first weapon image.
(many items)
Other Objects can be picked up and thrown.
Such as medical
equipment in the hospitals.
Garbage bags and containers.
Construction Items and markers.
If you thrown an item and it lands on someone's head it will
kill them.
Klip (for C&W)
Bottle (for flamer??)
Kit (Health)
Accu Trak
(Improves accuracy of the Shrike Weapon.)
You can pickup more than one but I'm not sure it does anything
Red Key Card
Blue Key Card
Though accustomed to living in a dangerous world of urban
violence, the hardened citizens of GLA want only to stay clear of all TekLord-Police altercations and continue their business with some feigned
degree of normality.
Losing the war against Tek, the GLA Police Force finds itself
hopelessly outmanned and utterly outgunned. Seeing their uniformed comrades
shot down day after day in the line of duty has embittered them and
instilled within them a deep hatred for Tek, the Tek Lords, and especially those
'Rogue' cops that leave to work for the Consortium.
Cop Female
Guard Security
Kamikaze Androids These mechanized assassins home in on their programmed targets
and attempt to touch them. Their tactile detonators cause them to explode on
contact. These androids can appear as Civilians, Cops or TekGoons, and are
notoriously difficult to damage with conventional weaponry.
(No Image, they look like everyone else)
TekGoons The wealth and power of the Tek Consortium allows it to hire
agents superior to the GLA Police Force in both armament and number. These loyal
soldiers serve as the arms of the TekLords, doing the 'dirty work'
associated with organized crime. They carry a varied assortment of weapons and
guises, allowing them to infiltrate all aspects of city life and quickly
terminate any threats to the boroughs.
The TekGoons are ruthless; their willingness to fire on
civilians has numbed the populace of GLA into submission, and detracted much support
for the local authorities. As a result., the average citizen relies on
TekGoon favor as much as the GLAPD to stay out of harm's way.
Gun, watch your mirror for them shooting at you.
Guard as TekGoon
as TekGoon
Tazer Thug
The real power in GLA, these local warlords control the
distribution of Tek, the most addictive psychoactive drug created. As the local
authorities fail miserably to slow the trade of Tek, the TekLord Consortium
increases its area of control and makes plans to harness the power of the Matrix to
spread Tek addiction to the entire world.
Conrad Lowell
Dallas Di Marco
Miles Connor
Carlyle Rossi
Sonny Hokuri
As the most powerful member of the TekLord Consortium, Sonny
Hokuri is the major force behind the plan to distribute Tek through the

Cheat mode: Start the game with one of the following command lines to activate the corresponding cheat
Note: The game can not be completed with the "No enemies" code
Effect |
Command Line |
No policemen |
tekwar.exe noguard |
No enemies |
tekwar.exe nochase |
No objects |
tekwar.exe noenemies |
No bystanders |
tekwar.exe nostroll |
No "Stalking" |
tekwar.exe nostalk |
No blood |
tekwar.exe nogore |
Level select |
tekwar.exe practice |
Skip briefing |
tekwar.exe nobriefs |
In-game cheat mode:
Enter one of the following codes during game play to activate the corresponding cheat effect.
Effect |
Key Code |
Invincibility |
[LAlt] + [Shift] + G |
All weapons, full ammo, all keycards |
[LAlt] + [Shift] + W |
All Matrix Symbols |
[LAlt] + [Shift] + J |
Cheat mode (demo version): Start the game with one of the following command lines to activate the corresponding cheat
Effect Command line TEKD1 BRIEF-Display introduction.
the shooting enemies from the game. TEKD1 NOENEMIES-Removes everyone but you.
TEKD1 NOGUARD-Removes the guards from the game. TEKD1 NOSTROLL-Removes the innocent bystanders from the game
In-game cheat mode (demo version): Enter one of the following codes during game play to activate the corresponding cheat
Effect Code Invincibility [Num Lock]

Executive Producer:
Amy Smith - Boylan |
James Wheeler |
Product Manager:
Judy Melby |
Brandon Chamberlain |
Executive Story Consultant:
William Shatner |
Story & Script:
Brandon Chamberlain, Tony Panaccio |
3D Engine & Tools:
Ken Silverman |
Les Bird, Jeff Schulz |
Joe Abbati |
Additional Programming:
Joe Abbati |
3D Animatiom & Artwork:
Ruben Cabrera, Carlos Ibarra, Ken Loyd, Scott Nixon, Gonzalo Montes de
Oca, John Potter, Ernie Roque |
Map Design:
Ken Loyd, Mike Pitts |
Map Editors:
Ruben Cabrera, Ken Loyd, John Potter, Jeff
Schulz |
Quality Assurance Manager:
Ray Boylan |
QA Coordinator:
Carlos F. Munos |
Acting / Cast:
Scott Amos, Lee Ann Emery, Rick Knight, Kirsten
Marshall, Aaron Okada, Toby Sax, William Shatner,
Orry Skrypec, Sydney Sproule, Jeff Wachsmann, Shawne
Williams |
Michael DeMarco, Katheryn Gangi, Michael Goldman, Sean
Potter, Alex Solano, Trevor Talbird |
Special Thanks To:
Alex Dawes, Kirsten Marshall, Sherry McMorran, Sherri
Saito, Sydney Sproule |