Game: Witchaven
a.k.a. - Witchaven 1 or WH1
Witchaven is a commercial
BUILD Engine game designed by Capstone. This was the
first BUILD game Capstone made and the first BUILD Game Released. First Witchaven, Then
TekWar. the others came later.
Descend into a dark and gruesome nightmare! You
alone must face evil within the volcanic pit of the Island of
Char, toward the mystical lair of Witchaven. Confront witches
that have cast a shadow of evil spells shrouding
you in the never-ending darkness. Make use of your magic, might
and mind as you engage in bloody warfare with
vile demons and monsters. Use medieval weapons to destroy these
creatures of the night and cease the chaos. Dare
to enter this 3D Hell...Dare to enter Witchaven!

- Duck, jump and fly! To fly, cast the spell and
use INSERT to go Up and DELETE to go Down, combine
that with forward or back movement to fly around,
the END cancels the spell.
The F key (follow mode), while viewing the map allows
you to move the map around and release it to appear
where you left off. With the map off the F key
allows you to move very fast, faster than running,
with the combination of movement keys. It also
allows while holding down F and moving the mouse to
lookup and lookdown.
- Non-stop gruesome action above and below the
player's view.
- Wield swords, daggers, morning stars and other
medieval hand-to-hand weapons.
- Cast spells that destroy, freeze, scare your
enemies and give you super-human abilities.
- Drink powerful potions for strength, invisibility, fire resistance and more.
- Bloodthirsty monsters with advanced
intelligence, seek you out and engage in relentless
battle. There are three different races of goblins
and two races of ogres. The different tribes will
attack each other on-sight. But your their primary
- Experience heart-pounding game play with stunning
SVGA graphics (640x480) and a fully-rendered 3D
cinematic introduction.
- Tunnels, crypts, lava pits and secret chambers
are part of this innovative game design with endless
puzzles & plots. Explore this massive playing field
with dozens of intricate maps.
- Gut-wrenching special effects with swirling
bats, cracking floors, pits of molten lava, arrows
that stick into anything in their path, and much
- Mouse calibration: F12 then use your movement
keys to speed up or slow down the y axis. (adds x
axis only with patch).
- Network play for up to 16 and head-to-head Modem
play. * Capture The Flag *
Each castle has a marked spot (Pentagram) which you
must bring your enemy flags back to. You can pick up
your flag and hide it in any location by walking
over it to pick it up, and pressing the space bar to
place it. The flags in the bottom right hand corner
represent the number of points each team has. To
steal opponents flags, simply jump over the opponent
to snatch his flag from him, or smack him with one
of your weapons; This will cause him to drop his
- Stomach turning original sound effects and
CD-Quality music. Along with MIDI. I'm pretty sure
all in game sounds are mono.
- The art is high quality, most are drawn, few are
3D-rendered. The weapon animations are
good. There is some digitized art.
More Details:
- Arrows and thrown Pike Axes stick in the walls and
stay there at the same angle they went in. You can
climb on the arrows, there blocking. But you can
retrieve the Pike Axes from the wall. Water and Lave flows can be entered,
while in the water or lava your movement is reduced.
No underwater swimming. When blood or guts are stuck
on a moving wall, they will fall when the wall
reaches the ceiling and pool on the floor. There is ROR on map
2 with a spiral stair case, and map 6,9 with a
passageway that goes under. Sprite elevators and
sprite doors that open. Some of the creatures attack
each other intentionally. There are flat sprite wall chains to open or operate secret passage ways.
There are floor activated switches but they appear
to be tagged flat sprites. Enemies can step up onto
raised surfaces. Teleports to send you across the
map. Also the level ending "teleports"/loads the new
map instantly. Translucent walls and floors that you
can enter or fall through. Also the game makes use of the
function (F-Keys) to expand on the controls.
(Weapon 1)
- Each punch does 1 to 5 points of damage.
(Weapon 2)
- Each slashing attack does 5 to 8 points of damage, 10 to 15
for stabbing.
Short Sword
(Weapon 3) - 5 to 10 points of damage and breaks easily.
Morning Star
(Weapon 4) - Large swing radius. Crushing blow does 10 to 15 points of
damage, swinging does 15 to 20.
Broad Sword
(Weapon 5) - Left hand swinging attack does 15 to 20 points of damage,
right hand does 20 to 25.
Battle Axe
(Weapon 6) - High resistance to damage. Left hand swinging attack does 15
to 20 points of damage, right hand does 20 to 25.
(Weapon 7)
- Long range. Does 15 to 30 points of damage.
Pike Axe
(Weapon 8) - Swinging attack does 5 to 10 points of damage, an overhead
chopping attack does 10 to 15. When more than on Pike Axe is
found, they can be thrown doing 10 to 15 points of damage.
Two-Handed Sword
(Weapon 9) - Does the most damage of all weapons. Left swinging attacks do
20 to 30 points of damage, while right swing does 25 to 30.
(Weapon 0) - Largest attack distance. Piercing attack does 5 to 20 points
of damage, swinging does 5 to 35.
Damage Modifiers:
(Experience level and strength)
+1 point per experience level.
x2 (double damage) drinking a strength potion.
x2 (double damage) wearing a helmet artifact, lasts thirty
Break Hits:
Each weapon breaks or dulls by an undisclosed number of hits.
The short sword is the weakest in quality while the two handed
sword is the strongest.
Weapon Proficiencies:
As you gain experience you can use two weapons at the same time.
Scrolls and Spell Book
Scrolls - Charges your spell book. There is a
scroll for every spell.
Spellbook - Select your spell then use the ` key to cast spell.

Scare Spell
(F1) - Invokes deep fear into an enemy for four seconds per
experience level. Works on the weaker minded creatures.

Night Vision Spell
(F2) - You can see in the dark. Lasts ten seconds per experience

Freeze Spell
(F3) - A Ball of energy draws heat from creatures in a line of 3
feet per experience level. Making them brittle enough that one
blow will shatter them. Fire based creatures are immune. You
cannot attack at melee range.

Magic Arrow Spell
(F4) - Launches 10 energy projectiles, inflicting 20 to 40
points of damage each.

Fly Spell
(F5) - You can fly for thirty seconds plus one second each
experience level.

Open Doors Spell
(F6) - Opens any door that requires a key.

Fireball Spell
(F7) - Incinerates all creatures within 10 feet that fail to
resist the spell.

Nuke! Spell
(F8) - Annihilates all creatures and items within 30 feet. The
most powerful witches can resist this spell.
- Gives 250 health points.
Amulet of the Mist
- Makes you invisible for one minute.
Shadow Amulet
- Acts as a Scare spell for one minute.
Leather Armor
- 50 points of armor, looses 4 points per hit and allows only
half damage to your health. Sometimes deflects attacks
Chain Mail
- 100 points of armor, looses 2 points per hit and allows only
1/4 damage to health. Better chance to deflect attacks.
Plate Armor
- 150 points of armor, looses 1 point per hit and allows only
1/4 damage to health. Very good chance to deflect attacks.
Crystal Staff
- Gives you 250 health points and 300 armor points that acts as
Chain Mail.
- Gives increased speed of your attacks, 10 points of armor and
x2 double damage for thirty seconds (Hero Time).
- Every point of damage you inflict is added to your health for
one minute.

- Four types: Brass, Black, Ivory and Glass keys. They unlock
locked doors.
- You must collect one then find the exit before you can move
onto the next level.
Blue Potion
- Adds 25 health points.
Green Potion
- Gives you more strength for 30 seconds. Allows you to do x2
double damage.
Orange Potion
- Cures poison.
Red Potion
- Immunity from fore for 30 seconds.
Brown Potion
- Turns you invisible for 30 seconds. Creatures have a fifty
percent chance to see you when you attack.
Adamantine Ring
- Protects as if its Plate Armor, but gives no armor points.
Onyx Ring
- Protection from missile attacks.
Sapphire Ring
- Protection from fire attacks for a limited time.
Scepter - Ability to walk on water, limited to the level you
found it on.
Scepter - Ability to walk on lava, limited to the level you
found it on.
- Adds to the amount of arrows you have.
- Gives 50 points of armor and protects like Plate Mail. Also it
can inflict 5 to 8 points of damage when used as an attack, like
a dagger. You must be using a one handed weapon to allow for the
shield. It can be damaged and rendered useless.
Chest - They contain something that may help you or harm you
(exploding chest).
Barrel - They usually contain something to help you.
Glass Skull
- Adds one experience level.
- They run away from you.
- They have a poison's bite.
- They claw at you.
Brown Ogre
- The Weakest. They hammer you with their fists.
Green Ogre
- Higher Intellect. (I don't this one is in the game)
Red Ogre
- The Keenest and strongest.
Forest Goblins
- The weakest.
Mountain Goblins
- Loyal to the Witches. Average in strength and intelligence.
Desert Goblins
- Strongest and most cunning.
Lava Fiend
- They attack with fire.
Mino Drake
- Stubborn and intelligent. They attack with large battle axes.
Grey Witch
- Summon Spiders and attack with both a stream of sludge and
venomous touch.
Skeletal Witches
- They attack with a fiery of magical missiles.
- Spit balls of fire at all living
things. Some hang on the walls.
Scary - They appear out of nowhere randomly and make contact.
(Not sure what they do to you, besides scare you.)
Willow Wisp - Are usually followed by a red wisp. They attack
with fireballs at a distance and drain experience levels on
- They attack with long columns of fire.
- They guard Illwhyrin. There are Purple and Blue one's too. The
Purple may cast fireballs before they charge attack on you.
- Attacks by raising the dead, using fire attacks, and summoning
playing the game, press the backspace key (default controls) to
bring up the message prompt (pause game), and type in the
following and hit Enter.
WANGO - Max out health and armor, gives you all
the key, and makes you experience level 7
SCOOTER - Get all weapons and spells
MOMMY - Get 9 of each potion
RSVP - Instant Death
IDKFA - Instant Death
RAMBO - Instant Death
*DARKNESS - God Mode
*GOTHMOG - Teleport Key
*SPINACH - 200 Health
*=Requires IntraCorp Cheat Patch Update.
For the demo:
RSVP - Max out health, ammo, and magic and gives you 9 of each
potion (Invulnerability)