primitives-available v1-04-2004 Release 2 © RTCM Corvin
primitives-available v1-04-2004 Release 2 © RTCM Corvin
This document is fairly simple. You can use it to quickly determine if a primitive is
supported in your BUILD Game. The majority of these tables shows in order the CON
development implementation history. The PaintBrawl table is nearly identical to DNv1.5s
table. Its placement in this chart is to show the CON history in the Redneck series since
the Redneck CONS where based on DNv1.5 therefore it shows the implementation history
correctly for the Redneck Rampage Series. Beyond that I don't know what this document
will evolve into.
Also take care in examining the DNBeta column. I changed the order of the primitives as
they where in the game.exe I matched them with DNv1.3s column. During the matching process
I notice some of the primitives matched closely but not exactly. So what I did is put
quotes " " around those primitives in the DNBeta column to indicate that they
may have function similar to the newer version of it. For example they make have just been
renamed later on to work with the more advance CON system. I haven't heavily
determine the uses of all the primitives so I can't say for sure what's going on. At the
end of the DNBeta column you notice lonely primitives. These don't match up with anything
and appears they where dropped in the newer CON system. This is not to say there function
wouldn't be useful if they existed in an enhanced CON system
Finely I haven't taken the time to examine v1.1 of Duke3D to determine any discrepancy. So if anyone would like to do that and let me know, I'll add them to this chart.
The List
Duke3D Beta1-3-95 | Duke3D v1.0 | Duke3D v1.1 | Duke3D v1.3 | Duke3D v1.5 | NAM | WWIIGI |
actor addammo ifrnd enda ifcansee ifhitweapon action ifpdistl ifpdistg else strength break shoot sound fall state ends define killit addweapon "addhealth" ifdead ifsquished spawn remove ifwasweapon ifaction ifactioncount resetactioncount debris cstat ifmove resetplayer ifonwater ifinwater "ifmovecount" "resetmovecount" addinventory hitradius ifp music include ifstrength guts cactor ifskill addscore ifplayersweapon weapon nuke addbatteryammo addrammo sink blood |
definelevelname actor addammo ifrnd enda ifcansee ifhitweapon action ifpdistl ifpdistg else strength break shoot palfrom sound fall state ends define ifai killit addweapon addphealth ifdead ifsquished sizeto spawn remove ifwasweapon ifaction ifactioncount resetactioncount debris pstomp cstat ifmove resetplayer ifonwater ifinwater ifcanshoottarget ifcount resetcount addinventory ifactornotstayput hitradius ifp count ifactor music include ifstrength definesound guts ifspawnedby gamestartup wackplayer ifgapzl ifhitspace ifoutside operate ifinspace "endoflevel" ifbulletnear ifrespawn iffloordistl ifceilingdistl spritepal ifpinventory betaname cactor ifphealthl definequote quote ifinouterspace ifnotmoving ifspritepal money soundonce addkills stopsound ifcanseetarget globalsound
definelevelname actor addammo ifrnd enda ifcansee ifhitweapon action ifpdistl ifpdistg else strength break shoot palfrom sound fall state ends define ifai killit addweapon addphealth ifdead ifsquished sizeto spawn remove ifwasweapon ifaction ifactioncount resetactioncount debris pstomp cstat ifmove resetplayer ifonwater ifinwater ifcanshoottarget ifcount resetcount addinventory ifactornotstayput hitradius ifp count ifactor music include ifstrength definesound guts ifspawnedby gamestartup wackplayer ifgapzl ifhitspace ifoutside operate ifinspace "endoflevel" ifbulletnear ifrespawn iffloordistl ifceilingdistl spritepal ifpinventory betaname cactor ifphealthl definequote quote ifinouterspace lifnotmoving ifspritepal money soundonce addkills stopsound ifawayfromwall ifcanseetarget globalsound
definelevelname actor addammo ifrnd enda ifcansee ifhitweapon action ifpdistl ifpdistg else strength break shoot palfrom sound fall state ends define ifai killit addweapon addphealth ifdead ifsquished sizeto spawn remove ifwasweapon ifaction ifactioncount resetactioncount debris pstomp cstat ifmove resetplayer ifonwater ifinwater ifcanshoottarget ifcount resetcount addinventory ifactornotstayput hitradius ifp count ifactor music include ifstrength definesound guts ifspawnedby gamestartup wackplayer ifgapzl ifhitspace ifoutside ifmultiplayer operate ifinspace debug endofgame ifbulletnear ifrespawn iffloordistl ifceilingdistl spritepal ifpinventory betaname cactor ifphealthl definequote quote ifinouterspace ifnotmoving respawnhitag ifspritepal money soundonce addkills stopsound ifawayfromwall ifcanseetarget globalsound lotsofglass ifgotweaponce getlastpal pkick mikesnd |
definelevelname actor addammo ifrnd enda ifcansee ifhitweapon action ifpdistl ifpdistg else strength break shoot palfrom sound fall state ends define ifai killit addweapon addphealth ifdead ifsquished sizeto spawn move ifwasweapon ifaction ifactioncount resetactioncount debris pstomp cstat ifmove resetplayer ifonwater ifinwater ifcanshoottarget ifcount resetcount addinventory ifactornotstayput hitradius ifp count ifactor music include ifstrength definesound guts ifspawnedby gamestartup wackplayer ifgapzl ifhitspace ifoutside ifmultiplayer operate ifinspace debug endofgame ifbulletnear ifrespawn iffloordistl ifceilingdistl spritepal ifpinventory betaname cactor ifphealthl definequote quote ifinouterspace ifnotmoving respawnhitag ifspritepal money soundonce addkills stopsound ifawayfromwall ifcanseetarget globalsound lotsofglass ifgotweaponce getlastpal pkick mikesnd useractor sizeat addstrength cstator paper tossweapon sleeptime nullop definevolumename defineskillname ifnosounds clipdist ifangdiffl |
definelevelname actor addammo ifrnd enda ifcansee ifhitweapon action ifpdistl ifpdistg else strength break shoot palfrom sound fall state ends define ifai killit addweapon addphealth ifdead ifsquished sizeto spawn move ifwasweapon ifaction ifactioncount resetactioncount debris pstomp cstat ifmove resetplayer ifonwater ifinwater ifcanshoottarget ifcount resetcount addinventory ifactornotstayput hitradius ifp count ifactor music include ifstrength definesound guts ifspawnedby gamestartup wackplayer ifgapzl ifhitspace ifoutside ifmultiplayer operate ifinspace debug endofgame ifbulletnear ifrespawn iffloordistl ifceilingdistl spritepal ifpinventory betaname cactor ifphealthl definequote quote ifinouterspace ifnotmoving respawnhitag ifspritepal money soundonce addkills stopsound ifawayfromwall ifcanseetarget globalsound lotsofglass ifgotweaponce getlastpal pkick mikesnd useractor sizeat addstrength cstator paper tossweapon sleeptime nullop definevolumename defineskillname ifnosounds clipdist ifangdiffl |
definelevelname actor addammo ifrnd enda ifcansee ifhitweapon action ifpdistl ifpdistg else strength break shoot palfrom sound fall state ends define ifai killit addweapon addphealth ifdead ifsquished sizeto spawn move ifwasweapon ifaction ifactioncount resetactioncount debris pstomp cstat ifmove resetplayer ifonwater ifinwater ifcanshoottarget ifcount resetcount addinventory ifactornotstayput hitradius ifp count ifactor music include ifstrength definesound guts ifspawnedby gamestartup wackplayer ifgapzl ifhitspace ifoutside ifmultiplayer operate ifinspace debug endofgame ifbulletnear ifrespawn iffloordistl ifceilingdistl spritepal ifpinventory betaname cactor ifphealthl definequote quote ifinouterspace ifnotmoving respawnhitag ifspritepal money soundonce addkills stopsound ifawayfromwall ifcanseetarget globalsound lotsofglass ifgotweaponce getlastpal pkick mikesnd useractor sizeat addstrength cstator paper tossweapon sleeptime nullop definevolumename defineskillname ifnosounds clipdist ifangdiffl gamevar ifvarl ifvarg setvarvar setvar addvarvar addvar ifvarvarl ifvarvarg addlogvar addlog onevent endevent ifvare ifvarvare |
PaintBrawl | Redneck Rampage Alpha v0.7 |
Redneck Rampage Rides Again |
Redneck Deer Huntin' |
definelevelname actor addammo ifrnd enda ifcansee ifhitweapon action ifpdistl ifpdistg else strength break shoot palfrom sound fall state ends define ifai killit addweapon addphealth ifdead ifsquished sizeto spawn move ifwasweapon ifaction ifactioncount resetactioncount debris pstomp cstat ifmove resetplayer ifonwater ifinwater ifcanshoottarget ifcount resetcount addinventory ifactornotstayput hitradius count ifactor music include ifstrength definesound guts ifspawnedby runningspeed wackplayer ifgapzl ifhitspace ifoutside ifmultiplayer operate ifinspace debug endofgame ifbulletnear ifrespawn iffloordistl ifceilingdistl spritepal ifpinventory betaname cactor ifphealthl definequote quote ifinouterspace ifnotmoving respawnhitag ifspritepal money soundonce addkills stopsound ifawayfromwall ifcanseetarget globalsound lotsofglass ifgotweaponce getlastpal pkick mikesnd useractor sizeat addstrength cstator paper tossweapon sleeptime nullop definevolumename defineskillname ifnosounds clipdist ifangdiffl gravity respawntimetellhit |
definelevelname actor addammo ifrnd enda ifcansee ifhitweapon action ifpdistl ifpdistg else strength break shoot palfrom sound fall state ends define ifai killit addweapon addphealth ifdead ifsquished sizeto spawn move ifwasweapon ifaction ifactioncount resetactioncount debris pstomp cstat ifmove resetplayer ifonwater ifinwater ifcanshoottarget ifcount resetcount addinventory ifactornotstayput hitradius count ifactor music include ifstrength definesound guts ifspawnedby gamestartup wackplayer ifgapzl ifhitspace ifoutside ifmultiplayer operate ifinspace debug endofgame ifbulletnear ifrespawn iffloordistl ifceilingdistl spritepal ifpinventory betaname cactor ifphealthl definequote quote ifinouterspace ifnotmoving respawnhitag ifspritepal feathers soundonce addkills stopsound ifawayfromwall ifcanseetarget globalsound lotsofglass ifgotweaponce getlastpal pkick mikesnd useractor sizeat addstrength cstator paper tossweapon sleeptime nullop definevolumename defineskillname ifnosounds ifnocover ifhittruck iftipcow isdrunk iseat |
definelevelname actor addammo ifrnd enda ifcansee ifhitweapon action ifpdistl ifpdistg else strength break shoot palfrom sound fall state ends define ifai killit addweapon addphealth ifdead ifsquished sizeto spawn move ifwasweapon ifaction ifactioncount resetactioncount debris pstomp cstat ifmove resetplayer ifonwater ifinwater ifcanshoottarget ifcount resetcount addinventory ifactornotstayput hitradius count ifactor music include ifstrength definesound guts ifspawnedby gamestartup wackplayer ifgapzl ifhitspace ifoutside ifmultiplayer operate ifinspace debug endofgame ifbulletnear ifrespawn iffloordistl ifceilingdistl spritepal ifpinventory betaname cactor ifphealthl definequote quote ifinouterspace ifnotmoving respawnhitag ifspritepal feathers soundonce addkills stopsound ifawayfromwall ifcanseetarget globalsound lotsofglass ifgotweaponce getlastpal pkick mikesnd useractor sizeat addstrength cstator paper tossweapon sleeptime nullop definevolumename defineskillname ifnosounds ifnocover ifhittruck iftipcow isdrunk iseat destroyit larrybird strafeleft straferight ifactorhealthg ifactorhealthl slapplayer ifpdrunk tearitup smackbubba soundtagonce soundtag ifsoundid ifsounddist ifonmud ifcoop ifmotofast ifwind smacksprite ifonmoto ifonboat fakebubba mamatrigger mamaspawn mamaquake clipdist mamaend newpic garybanjo motoloopsnd ifsizedown rndmove |
definelevelname actor addammo ifrnd enda ifcansee ifhitweapon action ifpdistl ifpdistg else strength break shoot palfrom sound fall state ends define ifai killit addweapon addphealth ifdead ifsquished sizeto spawn move ifwasweapon ifaction ifactioncount resetactioncount debris pstomp cstat ifmove resetplayer ifonwater ifinwater ifcanshoottarget ifcount resetcount addinventory ifactornotstayput hitradius count ifactor music include ifstrength definesound guts ifspawnedby gamestartup wackplayer ifgapzl ifhitspace ifoutside ifmultiplayer operate ifinspace debug endofgame ifbulletnear ifrespawn iffloordistl ifceilingdistl spritepal ifpinventory betaname cactor ifphealthl definequote quote ifinouterspace ifnotmoving respawnhitag ifspritepal feathers soundonce addkills stopsound ifawayfromwall ifcanseetarget globalsound lotsofglass ifgotweaponce getlastpal pkick mikesnd useractor sizeat addstrength cstator paper tossweapon sleeptime nullop definevolumename defineskillname ifnosounds ifnocover iffindnewspot iftipcow isdrunk iseat destroyit leavetrax strafeleft straferight ifactorhealthg ifactorhealthl slapplayer ifpdrunk leavedroppings deploybias soundtagonce soundtag ifsoundid ifsounddist ifonmud ifcoop ifmotofast ifpupwind smacksprite ifonmoto ifonboat fakebubba mamatrigger mamaspawn mamaquake clipdist mamaend newpic garybanjo motoloopsnd ifsizedown rndmove |