Setup, Installing Witchaven  v11-18-2014  Release 2 © RTCM Corvin

Introduction | Install Witchaven v1.0 | Manually Witchaven v1.0 | Install Witchaven II 2.0c | Manually Witchaven II v2.0c



This document assumes you know how to use Windows Explorer or DOS copy commands. Also the reader should refer to other RTCM documents as noted. Please read the entire document before proceeding.

Download Witchaven patches at witchaven-patchs

Installing From the Registered Witchaven v1.0 CD

This method will play the game with or without the CD. Skipping the INTRO.SMK file if there is no CD present.

  1. Insert the Witchaven v1.0 CD in the drive (no auto-run)
  2. Locate your CD-ROM drive and the Witchaven CD along the drive paths.
  3. Now locate the file INSTALL.EXE, and run it. (if the program won't run correctly see below for Manual Install.)
  4. Next the installer will want to install the game, with default drive and folder displayed. After indicating the drive and path you want to install to, hit F10 to accept.
  5. It will begin installation with progress shown. Press any key to move on to the next step.
  6. Now apply ONE of the three WH1 patches; I recommend the WH1 Retail mouse / i-glasses Patch Nov 08, 1995 (this is the best choice for most users.)
  7. Next configure your Control Configuration.
  8. Now configure your Sound Configuration. (to configure sound, setup.exe will launch the AUDIO.EXE)
  9. Now configure your Video Settings.
  10. Exit SETUP.EXE with the Save option.
  11. I would say; Read the README.EXE file completely if you have a question, but there is no README.TXT file.
  12. See: The RTCM Document "setup-default-components" for removing unused and outdated files.
  13. Also if you want to run under windows, please See: The RTCM document "setup-windows-buildgames" or "setup-windowsxp-buildgames" or "setup-windows-dosboxemu"


Manual Install From the Registered Witchaven v1.0 CD

This method will install the entire game to your Hard drive playing the INTRO.SMK file off of the HD.

  1. Insert the Witchaven v1.0 CD in the drive (no auto-run)
  2. Locate your CD-ROM drive and the Witchaven CD along the drive paths.
  3. Now locate the folder \WHAVEN, and copy it to your Hard Drive.
  4. Now open the new folder on are your Hard Drive and make sure all the files are UN-checked in the Read-Only attribute.
  5. Rename the game folder name if you want. Default is \WHAVEN
  6. Create a Batch file named WHINTRO.BAT with this command line SMACKPLY INTRO.SMK WH and place it in the games root folder.
  7. Now apply ONE of the three WH1 patches; I recommend the WH1 Retail mouse / i-glasses Patch Nov 08, 1995 (this is the best choice for most users.)
  8. Now run SETUP.BAT to configure the game for your system and tastes...keep reading.
  9. Next configure your Control Configuration.
  10. Now configure your Sound Configuration. (to configure sound, setup.exe will launch the AUDIO.EXE)
  11. Now configure your Video Settings.
  12. Exit SETUP.EXE with the Save option.
  13. I would say; Read the README.EXE file completely if you have a question, but there is no README.TXT file.
  14. See: The RTCM Document "setup-default-components" for removing unused and outdated files.
  15. Also if you want to run under windows, please See: The RTCM document "setup-windows-buildgames" or "setup-windowsxp-buildgames" or "setup-windows-dosboxemu"

Note: If you don't want to play the SMK video, just run WH.EXE instead of WHINTRO.BAT. Or delete the INTRO.SMK file all together.


Installing From the Registered Witchaven II v2.0c CD

This method will show you how to install from the CD, the game will require the CD in the future.

  1. Insert the Witchaven II v2.0c CD in the drive (no auto-run)
  2. Locate your CD-ROM drive and the Witchaven II CD along the drive paths.
  3. Now locate the file INSTALL.EXE, and run it. (if the program won't run correctly see below for Manual Install.)
  4. Next configure your Sound Card. When done click Ok.
  5. Next test the Sound settings by clicking Ok.
  6. Next Click Yes if you heard the title of the game spoken out.
  7. Now pick your MIDI Device.
  8. Next click Ok to test MIDI playback. Click Ok again when you hear the MIDI play.
  9. Next verify that sound was heard by clicking Yes.
  10. Now the installer will want to install the game, saving your sound config. After indicating the drive you want to install to, it will ask for the path and name of the directory, with default displayed.
  11. Verify the install Path and click okay. (or hit enter) It will begin installation with progress shown.
  12. Once installation is done, Click Continue (or hit enter).
  13. Now the installer will ask you to setup your controls, use the Edit button to edit each function. Click Continue when done.
  14. Next it will ask you to pick the resolution you want to use. Click Ok.
  15. Now Verify the setting you chosen and click continue when done.
  16. The installer will save your Controller / Video settings and inform you that installation is done.
  17. Now apply the Witchaven II v2.0g patch.
  18. Read the README.EXE file completely if you have a question. It's best to read it completely. Everyone should.
  19. See: The RTCM Document "setup-default-components" for removing unused and outdated files.
  20. Also if you want to run under windows, please See: The RTCM document "setup-windows-buildgames" or "setup-windowsxp-buildgames" or "setup-windows-dosboxemu"


Manual Install from the Witchaven II v2.0c CD

This method will allow you to have the full game on the Hard Drive without needing the CD or ISO Mounted.

  1. Insert the Witchaven II v2.0c CD in the drive (no auto-run)
  2. Locate your CD-ROM drive and the Witchaven II CD along the drive paths.
  3. Now locate the folder \WHAVEN2, and copy it to your Hard Drive.
  4. Next locate the folder \INSTDATA, and copy that to your games folder on your Hard Drive.
  5. Next locate the folder \SMK, and copy the files out of it and place them in your games root folder.
  6. Now open the new folder on are your Hard Drive and make sure all the files are UN-checked in the Read-Only attribute.
  7. Rename the game folder name if you want. Default is \WHAVEN2
  8. Create a Batch file named SETUP.BAT with this command line SETUP LOCAL and place it in the games root folder.
  9. Now run SETUP.BAT to configure the game for your system and tastes...keep reading.
  10. Next configure your Sound Card. When done click Ok.
  11. Next test the Sound settings by clicking Ok.
  12. Next Click Yes if you heard the title of the game spoken out.
  13. Now pick your MIDI Device.
  14. Next click Ok to test MIDI playback. Click Ok again when you hear the MIDI play.
  15. Next verify that sound was heard by clicking Yes.
  16. Now the SETUP.EXE will ask you to setup your controls, use the Edit button to edit each function. Click Continue when done.
  17. Next it will ask you to pick the resolution you want to use. Click Ok.
  18. Now Verify the setting you chosen and click continue when done.
  19. The installer will save your Controller / Video settings and inform you that installation is done.
  20. Now create a batch file named WH2.BAT with this command line WH2 LOCAL and place it in the games root folder.
  21. Now apply the Witchaven II v2.0g patch.
  22. Read the README.EXE file completely if you have a question. It's best to read it completely. Everyone should.
  23. See: The RTCM Document "setup-default-components" for removing unused and outdated files.
  24. Also if you want to run under windows, please See: The RTCM document "setup-windows-buildgames" or "setup-windowsxp-buildgames" or "setup-windows-dosboxemu"

Note: If you don't want the SMK files to play, simple delete them or move them somewhere else than the root directory of the game.