duke3d-frontends   Version 10-09-2014   Release 5  71F/ 21.8M    (c) RTCM Corvin

Duke Nukem 3D Frontends and Launchers

Also see general-frontends for more Duke3D combined frontends.

Some programs require special files, see general-tools downloads for these files.


Filename and author Size (kb) Description


Duke Map Loader v1.0
Richard Gates
7.71 backs up your existing files and lets you use any files like this one does. Very well written, simple and lots of options.

helps you organize your maps so you don't have to deal with the difficult task of organizing maps,  tiles, cons and other files. Extract your map.zip to a Duke3D subfolder and just type duke map subfolder. It is recommended that you make a shortcut to this program - if you are running Windows.

Duke Manager 2.0 Multi Beta1
Chaensaw Messiah
11 Run MAPs with easy command-line switches and options, not bothersome graphical displays! Fully featured BATch file does everything in simple DOS 6.0 commands!

Version 2.0M features:

  • Supports MAPs with USER.CON, DEFS.CON, GAME.CON, ARTs 001-020, DMOs 1-5, and MID!
  • Keeps maps & related files in separate MAP directory all under one root name for less clutter; creates MAP directory if it does not exist.
  • Supports easy use of a 2nd USER.CON for grouping MAPs together and changing sounds, settings, etc.
  • Has internal Fix Mode that restores names and locations of files after a crash.
  • Internal help routines (command line switch "?") displays all options and tips.
  • Detailed documentation included gives complete explanations of all features and troubleshooting.
  • Lists all available MAPs and runs them with ease!
  • Now has full DukeMatch and CoOp support!


Duke Nukem 3D Launcher v1.0
Bottom Line Telecommunications
57 for Duke3d



DukeRoch v3.5
Pascal Rouaud
155 A Duke3d Launcher


Playduke v6.2
586 A Duke3d Launcher (duke3dw)
PlayDuke can launch all game types, maps in single and multiplay.
It also has file coloring to mark your preferences.
Options to launch a variety of Total Conversions.


Duke 3D Starter
Dave Moore
Jeff Corr
33 Launch modem games or one player games to any level. This is very useful if you want to jump around the levels in DN3D, or justplay modem games with the same person alot.


DN3D Starter v2.62
Matthew Stapleton

Duke Starter v.2.2.2


commiThilo32 v1.3Full(win)

commiThiloDos v1.6Full(dos)
Thilo Kauschke



User map:
If checked, you can choose one of the maps found in the directory
you specified in cmtl32.ini. If not checked, the standard levels
will be used. If commiThilo can't find any .map files in the directory,
this checkbox won't be available.

Map information:
Here are the contents of the map information files displayed. These
are files that have the same name as the .map file, but have .txt as
extension. You can edit these files here, too.

Chexums (Checksums):
Here are the sizes of the selected .map file, user.con, game.con and
defs.con file displayed in order to avoid out of sync errors. The file
sizes must be equal on each machine.

Launch: Duke/Setup/Build
DukenetVB !French

DNRunner V1.0
17 A simple Duke Frontend


Duke Nukem 3D Starter
220 A Frontend for Duke shareware


DukeMenu 2.0
65 A Frontend for Duke3d


J. Sommer/
77 Features:


To play an original level of Duke3D you have to choose
the episode/level with the radio buttons to the left.
Click on "SINGLE GAME" Button (or <S>) to start Duke 3D.
If you choose the RECORD DEMO Button a demo will be recorded
and it will be saved in the DEMO-directory with the name
you have entered in the field below the RECORD DEMO button.
For security reasons the record demo button is switched off
next time the XT-starter is fired up.
No need to care about the original Demo files.
They will be backed up.
IF you want to start a modem game you have to look at
the parameters you can reach with the MODEM-SETUP button.
If you want to call somebody just klick on a person in the
phonebook and choose CALL.
Now save the setup and choose the MODEM GAME button from
the main window.

The time you played will be tracked.

If you want to play a user level over modem just choose a
level with the '---' button and klick on MODEM GAME (or <M>).

If no userlevel should be used, "clear" this button.

The modem-setup has to be made over the original Duke setup
You can reach that by using the START DUKE SETUP button from the
main window.


With the button MODEM SETUP (F5) you reach the phonebook. It can
carry some thousand phonenumbers :-))) (SHAREWARE = 8)
At the first start there is no phonebook. To initialise it
klick on NEW, enter a name and number (comment is optional) and
klick on ADD.
Now you will have your first phonebook-entry. You can add as
many as you want. Also, you have the posibility to edit every
The phonebook marks the position of the last person you called, so
next time you enter the phonebook the starting-entry will be your
last called entry.

The "NET SETUP" (F6) ist really easy. Here you can click on the number
of players and, if necessary, enter the network socketnumber.
Save it, and ready you are.
The time you played will be tracked. It will be shown to you
after the match has ended.
With the button "START LEVEL" (or <L>) you can start Duke3D with a user
level. Therefore you click on the "---" button above and
choose a level.
No user-level is used if you click on "SINGLE GAME".

Same as user-level. Choose a demo with the "---" button.

Don't worry about the original demos. They are saved
and restored after you stop watching the demo.

Same as user-level and play demo.
Simply choose the level to edit and press "-> BUILD".
If there is a special build directory then edit the path to your
build directory in the SETUP STARTER window.

Choose your cfg-file with the button "---".
Now you're never asked for the configuration file again.

David Cowan/
DodgeSoft Productions
27 A program that help you launch Duke Nukem 3D without any knowledge of how to use command-line parameters.
This version lets you choose what game parameters you wish to run, lets you warp to any level in the game, and also lets you load a user map.
[Required Files] VB40032
GoDuke v3.0
Ben Smit
24 Features:
  • Launch up to 21 user maps for any Total Conversion.
  • Launch any map - any .con file - any .art file.
  • Launch Batch files - used by Total Conversion's.
  • Launch into any episode, level, skill or saved game.
  • Dukematch capabilities available with all the above.
  • Launch into Build - for map editing.
  • View a map's text info file.
  • View or create your own map picture image's.
  • Switch the monsters on/off.
  • Select any skill level.
  • Copy maps between the Build and Maps Directories.
  • Delete maps and associated files - rename maps.
  • High light any map or Total Conversion as follows :-
  • Black.... = Map Not been played yet
  • Blue..... = Played - Map is Bad ( * )
  • Cyan..... = Played - Map is Fair ( ** )
  • Yellow... = Played - Map is Good ( *** )
  • Green.... = Played - Map is Excellent ( **** )
  • White.... = Playing - Incomplete
  • Red...... = Map requires Editing
Dke (DKä) v2.0
Nickolas Grigoriadis/ ZäuzProbä Productions, LTD.
328  A launcher for Duke Nukem 3D It uses a cool looking interface to do all the things quicker than what you can.  From launching Maps, to playing Multiplayer games.
  • Features include: - Selecting Players
  • - Type of Play
  • - Link Method
  • - Selecting Maps
  • - Monster On/Off
  • - Level Warp
  • - Skill Level
  • - Record Demos
  • - Respawning
  • - Launch Multiplayer Game
  • - Launch Single Player Game
  • - Launch Fake MultiPlayer Game
  • - Launch Build
  • - Launch EditArt
  • - Launch Setup
  • - Dos Prompt
  • - AND! a ScreenSaver Thingie


DukeNukem Manager v3.0(Final)
133 It is based on DM, the DeathManager! by ID SOFTWARE, a tool for launching.
  • support for CON, GRP, RTS and MAP!
  • Build-In Macro-Edit
  • Build-In Phone-Book
  • DNM uses standard DUKE3D.CFG so it is SETUP compatible!
  • Map-Warp-Function
  • You can choose between COOP, DUKEMATCH, DUKEMATCH 2.0
  • You can select one of 4 Respawn Types
  • PhoneBook
  • Play via Modem
  • Play over IPX Network
  • Play over SERIAL CABLE
  • Skill-Level (3=hardest)
  • Respawn: (M)onster I(T)ems (I)nventar (A)LL
  • Select between TONE (ATDT) and PULSE (ATDP)
  • You can change the Network Socket #. ~=Default
  • (includes source code)
  • and many more!


Runner v1.0
Charles Hammett/ FiberOptic Overload
42 Its a Win95 menu driven single player front end.
Play Batch
1 For Duke 1.3


Play Batch 1.5
1 For Duke 1.5


Bradley Ansell
5 Features:
  • Level/Difficulty Selection
  • Single and Multiplayer Compatible
  • Access Setup and DN3DHELP easily
  • and more...


Ultra Duke Nukem 3D Starter v1.0(Final)
C. M. Jensen
292  Allows easy access to Duke Nukem 3D ShareWare and Registered Versions, instead of using those crazy command line parameters and setup programs. This program for Windows 95 does all of that for you, all you have to do is Point and Click. From 1 to 8 Players and from Custom Music for User Maps, its all there. It allows you to execute Duke Nukem 3D with almost all of the options possible built into the Duke Nukem 3D engine.
[Required Files]: VB5 Runtime Files


Runduke v2.7 (src inc)
Charlie Wiederhold/
Rodeo Steakhouse
37 A network game launcher designed for The Duke Nukem 3D Rodeo Shootout.

Some features:

  • Able to change Video Resolution (VESA modes only).
    Able to select any of the default controllers (instead of keyboard and mouse only, now you can select anything you want).
    Can have any .CFG file on your floppy disk, instead of having it named DUKE3D.CFG (*Please read the note below *).
    Easier to use interface, and the program is now much more robust (harder to crash).

Notes concerning personal .CFG files:

Most players use different keyboard/controller settings than then default ones given by Duke 3D. So, rather than having everyone setup the keyboard everytime they sit down at the computer to play, we have devised a system to import these settings from a floppy disk. All you need to do, is copy the .CFG file you use from your Duke 3D directory onto a floppy disk. What it is named does not matter, and you may have more than one .CFG file on your disk. The Shootout Launcher will read this file, and get the necessary controller settings needed for you to play in the manner you are used to.
(Includes Source Code)


DukeMatch'er v1.12
Peter Reinhold
15 Small utility which is to be used to launch DukeMatches, without having to start the setup program every time
  • Number of players
  • What episode to start on
  • What level to start on
  • Monsters on/off
  • Respawn type
  • DukeMatch type
  • Your DukeMatch name
  • Specify Skill level
  • Edit CommBat Macros
  • Select external .MAP files (1500)
  • specify a directory where your .MAP files are stored
  • ONLY launches IPX-Net games


The Duke Control System ver.5.1
Kevin Reems/ Yummy Creations
81 Features:
  • simple interface
  • go to any level in the game
  • run the Setup program to play a net/modem game
  • change respawn settings
  • difficulty levels
  • jump to Build
  • configure keys and save
  • D.C.S. runs in the background


Duke3D - Launcher v1.0
Greg & Lesa Moyer
178 Features:
  • alphabetic MAP listing
  • date, time, duration of last play
  • one line comment for each MAP
  • view the associated .TXT file (using external program)
  • add/delete MAPs on the fly
  • stores all MAPs and associated .TXT files in a Zipped file


D-Map v08/30/96
Jeff Molofee (aka NeHe)
15 Features:
  • will work around the limits(30 map limit)
  • single player launcher and serial and modem
  • Maps can be sorted by Name or by Size
  • Maps can be loaded from any directory or drive
  • also applies to RTS files
  • Exiting Duke Nukem will return you to the Launcher


Nukem Map Launcher v3.00(Final)
Billy McDaniel/
373 Attention Duke Nukem 3D junkies...
  • Supports Plugins
  • Includes a Build Plugin
  • Includes 5 top maps from a Softweird Map Contest

[Required Files]: VB40032, COMDLG32


Episode Editor v1.02
(Plug-In for Nukem Map Launcher above)

Billy McDaniel, Eric Odencrantz/SoftWEirD
431 A program designed to make complete multi-player Episodes! You will no longer need to exit Duke, and load up another map file while playing against an opponent.


  • Create entire Episodes of maps for Duke Nukem 3D!
  • Change Duke's Health, Starting Armor, Running Speed, and Swearing Frequency. Change the Strength of any weapon, or how much ammo you may carry for any single weapon. Alter the blast radius for weapons, or how much damage you take when in that blast radius. Change the amount of ammo you get when you find items. Fix any of the Monster's Health with outrageous mins and maxs. Determine how many times the Freezer's Ray bounces before it disappears, and decide whether the Freezer can Hurt Duke. Make the careras Destroyable! Plus More!
  • The option to Randomize all of the Statistics for Duke are available with the Randomize All Button. The Randomizer immediately displays your new configuration, and allows you to reset the standard Duke defaults.
  • Add new ART, Musics, and MapFiles to your custom Episodes!
  • Save, ReLoad, and Edit existing Episodes!
  • Option to select map files from Nukem Map Launcher's Favorites List.
  • Counts the number of DukeMatch, and Co-Op starts! So you won't have to wonder if the map is multi-player compatable!
  • Automatically recognizes whether or not a map is Exitable!
  • Full Windows 95, user friendly interface!
  • Windows 95 HELP, and What's This? HELP button added!
  • Automatically backs up your USER.CON file, with the ability to restore it back to it's original condition upon request!
  • Automatically plugs in to Nukem Map Launcher. NML already supports plug ins, the plug-in feature was added to take advantage of Episode Editor, Map Factory, RTS Sampler, and the new Batch file for loading Build.exe with a highlighted map file.
  • Supports Duke v1.3d/1.4/1.5
    [Required Files]: VB40032, COMDLG32


DukeML Atomic v1.0 beta
David Sørensen
71 DukeML is a DOS based program that al
lows you to run your Duke Nukem 3D MAP-files
with a variety of settings. You can also run
Build to edit MAP-files and edit CON-files wi
th DOS Edit or Windows Notepad. It also runs
Editart, Duke Setup, Duke Help, Build Setup a
nd Build Help.


DukeCon v1.0
Sheilsoft Computer Systems
237 Windows 95/98 Duke Nukem 3D level launcher [Required Files]


SAM' S LAUNCHER FOR DN 3D v1.20 !French
Samuel AMRAM
26 Makes it possible to launch levels, in mode 1 player or network. One can view upto 790 MAP files, and place them in any repertoire. Moreover, this software makes it possible to remove levels, to change various parameters, to comment on the levels..etc


DN 3D .MAP loader v1.0
Jack Baxter-Williams
3 This is a registry entry that allows you to play a Duke Nukem 3D MAP by just double clicking on the icon instead of using the command prompt.


Duke3d Control Center v
Adam Mckaig
9 [Required Files] VBRun200.dll


Level Manager v1.21
Rob Sandow /
RCS Computer Solutions
281 The Level Manager is a utility for use with Doom, Doom II, Duke Nukem 3D, Heretic, Hexen and Quake. Possibly the only utility of its kind to support all six games.

The Level Manager allows you to build a catalogue of add-on levels for these games. Your add-on levels can be located anywhere, on hard disk, floppy disk, or on CD. They can even be compressed in a ZIP file. The best bit is you can play the add-on level(s) directly from The Level Manager - even if it is stored in a ZIP file on a CD !

You can set up the start level, skill level, monsters on/off, sound on/off, music on/off for single player games all from within The Level Manager. You can also play the all of the original levels for each game, these are included in the catalogue.

Multiplayer support for Duke Nukem 3D; Pick a level from the catalogue and you can now launch Duke's SETUP utility to play the level as multiplayer game.

Duker v1.0
Gabriele G. Ponti
2MB Windows front-end for Duke Nukem 3D maps, that allows you to  run user defined maps from a simply user interface in pure Duke Nukem 3D style. (Includes Required files)


John Wooster/ Salmonsoft Corp.
59 This creates four directories in your DUKE NUKEM directory. All of your MAP
files should be moved into their proper directories. They are as follows...

SINGLE - Map files that are designed for single player only.

SINGLEDM - Map files that are designed for both single and
multiplayer game play.

DM_A-M - Dukematch files that start with the letter A-M.

DM_N-Z - Dukematch files that start with the letter N-Z.

After running the MAP MANAGER, and selecting the proper catagory of
MAP files that you want to be used by the DUKE NUKEM 3D SETUP PROGRAM,
the necessary files are copied, and backups of all map files in your
DUKE NUKEM directory are made in the BAK directory. The DUKE NUKEM 3D
SETUP PROGRAM is then launched, and you select your map level as you
would normally do.
  -This program has a 10 sec launch delay.  You can speed up the countdown by pressing enter repeatitly....or register it for $5.00.  But even with the delay this program is neat.-Corv


Play Duke Map 1.0
W.Kroll & J.Thompson
1.8MB Handy tool for playing "all" your favorite Duke3d maps. 32-Bit program.


RunMap: Game Level Launcher(win)

RunMap: Game Level Launcher(dos)
Michael Fullerton/ CyberMatrix Corporation Inc.


 A freeware program to makes it simpler to run 3rd party maps for games like Duke Nukem and Doom. All available Maps in the game directory are listed. Users have the option of running the selected game file or viewing the selected game description text file. RunMapv2.01 for Windows 95/98/NT can be configured to run maps for many other games as well.

 The DOS version of RunMapv2.0 can only launch game maps for Duke Nukem and Doom I and II.


DukeW95 v1.0
Howard van der Burgt

It will register a Duke3D.Map file-type in the Windows' 95 Registry
and three menu-options for the Duke3D.map file-type
Thus if you right-click on a file with a .map-extension you will see three
extra menu-items;
- one bold item with the name of the map you right-clicked, choosing
this will start a single-player Duke3D session with the choosen map
(this is the same as double-clicking the map-name).
- one item for 2-4 multi-player game
- one item for 5-8 multi-player game

Easy Level For Duke v1.1
Patrick-Emmanuel Boulanger-Nadeau
MAPS v1.1d
Ricardo Mendonca Ferreira
20 Program that can handle several types of files for Duke Nukem
Edlev v1.0
32 Program that will modify Duke3d's USER.CON file so that you can replace the standard Duke levels with user levels.


  • you can flip around between about 25 user maps without having to reconnect.
  • will spit out a checksum number, for making sure that both people have the same settings.
  • In user.con it only uses the section containing the level definitions when itcomputes it's checksum.
  • used for playing Dukematch
  • handle up to 256 .MAP files
  • very small and easy to use program if you like to stay connected while switching maps


UserMap Helper v1.2.0
Karl Davis(aka Roadkil)
Duke3d Map Utility v1.1
Bill Campbell (DocFunFrock)
84  A Duke3d Program for setting .map files on the Ten Network. You can now select subdirectories for your Duke maps. A delete button for E1L1.MAP has been added for regular Duke play.


Duke Nukem 3D: Front End Utility v1.0
R. Zino
26 A DOS utility to run user defined MAP files in DUKE3D. Also has own config file for more parameters! Includes more than 20 levels! Tested on version 1.3D Only.


959  Load maps into duke nukem3d
  • skill select, no monsters, and fake multiplayer
  • support to start build


Jacob Dienske
187 Creates a Database of your maps.
  • Includes a pre-made database of all the mapnames on the Nuke it CD-ROM
    Took out the mapsnames that crashed on the Nuke it cd.
  • You can 'Pack' the database ( delete all maps marked [Deleted] )
  • hot keys
  • You can toggle between index on rating or mapname
  • Databases are created if not present


Ultimate Map Selector v1.0
Marc Barrette
36 The screen is splitted in two. The upper part is for browsing through the available .MAP files in your directory. The other part shows the maps you've selected and the Top 10 List.
  • indicators: #MAPS and SYNC#
  • #MAPS: The number of maps available(shareware limit is 25)
  • SYNC#: Each selection of maps generate a unique SYNC number
  • user.con is modified after selections


D3D Kickstarter v0.5b
24 Features:
  • How big the map file is (for example 80K).
  • When you last played the map (or if you haven't played it).
  • How many times the map have been played.
  • See/Add your own comments to the maps.
  • View the .txt file that describes the .map
  • Display the last map you played
  • Display total map launches
  • Total amount of map's in directory
  • Returns to DN3D Kickstarter after you quit a DN3D game
  • Allows more than 40 maps.


Frank Northerndale
1 Create an icon on desktop that`s runs Drag&play, Simply open your Duke3d directory and choose file and drag it to the desktop icon.
Nukem Extender! v1.00.0002
Robert Wayne Denner/ Smog Moon Software
99 Really neat launcher. It runs in a small window(95). Has all the standard game launcher features plus build/editart load..niffty.

[Required Files]:The VB5 Runtimes and the lastest version of Comdlg32.ocx


Duke Editor Frontend Ver. 1.06
Henrik K. Jensen
  • Features:
    *Menu to quickly run any .MAP file or level in DUKE
    *Renames .CON files with wrong names
    *Automatic setup will also check .ZIP files for maps Automatic setup first time program is run
    Can run .ZIP files and cleanup again when leaving DUKE
    No problems with TILES###.ART and *.CON files
    View description file for .MAP file, even for .ZIP files
    Backup of .CON files (and a few other)
    Cleanup of DUKE, removes most extensions.
    Menu to set most of DUKE's command line options. This means easy selection of any episode/level
    Up to 40 maps accessible with very few keystokes.
    Seperate DUKE options for each game.
    Can automatic start DUKE after BUILD.
    Can automatic start BUILD after DUKE. YES, this means FULL automatatic shift between DUKE/BUILD
    Automatic bypass of the BUILD startup notice.
    Keys for starting: DUKE, BUILD, a editor.
    Up to five user programable keys for other program.
    Retains all selections between sessions.
    Automatic backup of .MAP files each time BUILD is called
    Menu controlled restore of backups
    Buildin ascii viewer with bookmarks..more


Control Center Special Edition 1.00
Jeff Armstrong / StrongArm Software
2.6M Features:
  • Windows95
  • Access to all the command line parameters
  • Alter internal game paramters and NEVER CORRUPT THE GAME
  • Add-ons, enriching game play produce more blood, gore, or special twists. for those who don't want or need to understand the CON structure....easy to use with configurable paramters, included are 4 hard coded addons
  • Launch maps into BUILD, the level editor for DN3D
  • Organize MAP files and Get map statistics
  • Setup routine partially operational
  • Easy DukeMatch Launches, save session files and distribute them so each Matcher launches exactly the same, no out of sync errors and reap the benifits of altered game files, quickly, easily, no copying renaming etc. etc.
  • CON Group files....for easier distribution and play, included is a special editor designed specifically for creating new CON files, launch them without ever renaming the standard CON files!


Lars Heimann and Markus Ansmann
46 Features:
  • can be placed in any directory (does not have to be the Duke-Directory)
  • all options are saved in a seperate file (remembers last usermap etc.)
  • usermaps can be launched from any directory (or directly from a Level-CD)
  • can show up to 384 usermaps at once in a sorted list
  • quickly find a Map by pressing its initial letter
  • choose from a list of all resolutions your video card supports
  • can be used with the ATOMIC EDITION or DUKE NUKEM 1.3D
  • a variety of options: skill, playername, number of players, socketnumber, multiplayer type, original map warping, usermap selection, toggle monsters, toggle demo, change resolution, edit textmacros, launch external program (e.g.: BUILD) if external program is BUILD.EXE (that's what I added this for), BUILD is automatically launched with the selected usermap to be edited
  • you can send and receive Maps using IPX without leaving MAPPER
  • you can enter comments for each usermap (description/rating) => these comments will be stored in MAPPER.DSC in the Mapper-Dir
  • can show you maps in a 2D-Preview 640x480 (like in Build)
  • you can add commandline-parameters to MAPPER.EXE, which are automatically passed to DUKE3D.EXE or COMMIT.EXE
  • you can automatically add the Expander Weapon to older maps
  • you can play Multiplayer Special Modes for more fun in Dukematch
  • you will be informed, if you want to start a Dukematch/Coop Game and there are not enough starting positions on the map
  • you will be warned if a map is corrupted or not made for
  • Duke Nukem 3D to avoid crashes


Duke-Hazared Zone v4.5.3
Michael Ewert/
Demon Software, Inc
2M Features:

Sound Effects
Skill Level
Fake Multiplayer
Record A Demo

Includes : CONed v?and ConfigEd v? and includes Required Files.

Map Save Fix
Charles A Beener
2 Will solve any problems you have with having over 40 maps in the same directory.


Build/Setup Switcher
1 Allows u to switch between build.exe and setup.exe


DukeLauncher v3.0
Tobias Lindberg
1.2MB Launches all duke primary utils, plus has a "con editor" and IC launcher...and more


Duke Nukem 3D Maps and Match Manager v1.6
Luigi Tavolato
89 Features:
  • Manage a small database of informations sorted alphabetically about each maps (name, number of times played and which is the last, size, a short comment, its rating level...)
  • View the authoring info of a map if available
  • Find quickly a map by using the built in incremental search
  • Group the maps' view according to current rating level
  • Change the rate level of a map
  • Edit the comment associated to each map
  • Delete a map and any related info
  • Edit or create a map using Build
  • Play a single, network, modem, serial game
  • Play standard Duke levels (select level and episode)
  • Configure Duke Nukem 3D and Build
  • Display the help file for Duke and Build
  • Manage a phone database for modem games
  • Select skill level
  • Display cheat codes
  • Quick launch of last played map using last play mode
  • Fake multiplayer game
  • spawning, monsters, item and inventory
  • Enable/disable sound
  • Enable/disable music
  • Change socket number for network game
  • ...and more
3 Dimension Front End Loader
v.9 BETA (v1)

858 A front-end loader for Duke Nukem 3D. It includes many of the features found in other, more expensive front-end loaders, along with many more options. Among these options is the ability to create batch files or shortcuts for Duke 3D games that will run maps, CON files, and everything else you specify in 3 Dimensions. The program supports all the single and multiplayer options and includes a built-in CON editor, built-in RTS file editor, the ability to switch between editing and running maps with a mouse click, and more. 

-Its Totally 100% FREE
-Run Single or Multiplayer Games
-Edit or Run any number of maps
-Start on any level
-Use Alternate Con and Group files
-Includes built in Con Editor!
-Includes built in RTS Editor!
-Associates .map files with either Duke 3D, the map editor, or 3 Dimensions
-Many, Many More options!

System Requirements: Windows 95, Duke Nukem 3D, Comic Sans MS Font (32-bit)

Note: ?RTCM is Looking for 3D_Min.zip 755kb 3/7/98?



USER Map Explorer v1.5.96(Beta)
Peter Gustafsson
69 The perfect tool if you have Duke Nukem 3D and tons of user maps.
  • Store multiple folders where you have user maps.
  • Full file control of you user maps, delete, copy, rename and move. With a simple rightclick.
  • View property page for selected.MAP file, Duke3d.exe, setup.exe and if it exists build.exe
  • Check floppy for .MAP with a single click.
  • Doubleclick to easly start you favorite user map.
  • Start Duke3d with special option.
  • Start Duke3d setup.
  • Start Build (if it exists in selected duke3d folder)
  • Open selected user map folder.
  • Open Duke Nukem 3D folder.
  • Copy or move a .map to desktop with a single click.
    [Required Files]: Windows 95 / 98 or NT. Visual Basic 5 Runtime


D U K E - M E N U v1.0
Jennifer Lynn
146 Features:
  • Smart-Map: makes it a snap to load ART, MIDI, and CON files with your MAPs. There are NO special file formats for this. Now you can easily use custom graphics, music, and game settings with your maps. Smart-Map goes on a name bassis for loading in all the needed files.
  • Smart-Map Linker will take away any of the worries about what to name what.
  • internal commands to install Duke3D, Build, EditArt, and Wad2Map
  • DukeMenu can install Build for you
  • DukeMenu will install all the needed files
  • DukeMenu Can setup Windows95 to run Duke3D, Build, EditArt, and Wad2Map just as well as it runs in DOS by creating a PIF file with the proper settings and updating the Registry.
  • simply double-click on any MAP or ART file and it will be launched right into DukeMenu.
  • Click the right mouse button on the MAP or ART file to go directly into Build or EditArt and to instantly run Duke3D with the specified MAP or ART
  • Temporarile suspend DukeMenu and brings up a DOS Prompt
  • Temporarile suspendsDukeMenu to brings up an Explorer Windows in the Windows95 GUI.
  • build and your map files can be in different directories
  • User external program launcher
  • alot more...


Dukeedit v3.0-New
Jennifer Lynn
65 All Three versions of  Dukeedit are contained in this zip file.v2/v3/v3-new


MapBuddy v1.1
Geoff Traugott
26 This program is a frontend for mapbuilders, I use it..and I can now load Build through Win95 instead of Dos(Includes source code)


Duke Manager 98 v4.0
Charlie Wilson
4MB An all-inclusive Duke3D management tool that includes almost everything needed to maximize the Duke3d gaming experience.


  • Con Editor
  • Group File Manager
  • Launcher Functions
  • Total Conversion Launching
  • Oppenent Information
  • Saved Game Launching (Atomic only)
  • Single Player Launch
  • Multi Player Launch
  • Set Skill, Episode, and Level
  • Use any MAP regardless of what directory it is in
  • Multi Dukes for Simulated Duke Match (Atomic only)
  • User, Game, and Defs Con Selection
  • RTS Selection
  • Socket Number can be entered for Net Games
  • Player Name can be entered for Net Games
  • User Defined Menu Options (open your favorite files from DM98)
  • Menu Option for Switching between Duke versions
  • Respawn Options
  • No Monster Option
  • Fake Multi Player for Map Testing
  • Hide Duke3D DOS Window on ALT+TAB Exit
  • Close Duke3D DOS Window on Normal Exit
  • Minimize, Min. to Tray, or Close DM98 on Duke3D Launch
  • Auto-Return CON and RTS Files to Original Option
  • Launch Duke3D, Setup, Build, Duke3D Help, Build Help from DM98
  • Fully Integrated, Easy to use Con Editor
  • Game Timer
  • Unlimited User Defined Menus with Menu Manager
  • Randomize functions for the Con Editor
  • Support for all versions of Duke, including shareware


useMap v1.0
1 LameDuke User Map Support device (useMap) Allows easy usage of LameDuke User Maps!