RTCM - Duke3D Mod Reviews         Revised 7-18-2008 Release 1  (C) Eddy




Alien Versus Predator




Alien Versus Predator is for version 1.4/1.5. It has 6 levels and the file is 10.2MB in size. The file name is avp.zip. It was released on July 22, 2004.

First of all this TC is very dark most of the time. The author suggests playing on brightness level 4 in a dark room. It has good level design and good to fair gameplay. It gets quite hard at times. There are new aliens (of course) and new weapons and ammo amounts. There is an adequate amount of ammo around but not all the much health. Save often! If you get stuck read the FAQ the author provided. Level 1 is an intro level with only 1 alien that you need to run from since you have no weapons. I found the exit that leads to the secret level. Secret level. On the secret level you need to trap the alien between two force fields where you can blow him up. Then it's on to level 2. Level 2 begins in a large outdoor area and you now have the shotgun. Make your way inside the base where you need find the switches to open the next area up. There you will find the pulse rifle. The you make your way to the medical rooms and find the switch to the gate. This is where it really starts to get hard. Outside again you will need to find the alien hive to get the next key. Up till now you only had to fight the weaker aliens. In this area you will meet a new alien and on the way back a second type I think. It's hard to tell because the area is so dark. Find the nuke button and it's on to level 3. Level 3 you should enter the opening to the right first. You are probably l ow on ammo, like I was, and there is a machine gun (freezer replacement) in there. Watch out though. Something is lurking in there also. After you exit that area kick the vent cover to enter the main complex. In here you get to meet a new alien that can phase in and out of view. Just keep blasting it till it is dead. After finding the next key you make your way outside to enter a new area of the complex. In here is a cool area with moving walls that push you around. After finding the key go back to the radio room entrance. Level 4 starts out under bright sunshine for a change. Then it's back inside a dark building again. Watch out for some traps on this level. You should find the chaingun and the rocket launcher. The chaingun really kicks butt. Make sure you save at least 1 rocket for later. You will know where to use that rocket and be able to finish the level. Level 5 you will be jumping out of a helicopter into a jungle. I will let you find the rest out for yourself. This is the longest review I have written so far. I wonder if anyone will read the whole thing? Anyway I rate it as good with 3 out of 5 stars.

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