RTCM - Duke3D Mod Reviews         Revised 7-18-2008 Release 1  (C) Eddy




Saving Private Ryan




Saving Private Ryan is for version 1.4/1.5. It has 5 levels and the file is 13.8MB in size. The file name is spr.zip. It was released on August 12, 1997.

Saving Private Ryan has very simple level design and fair gameplay. There is very little ammo and no health on most levels. It is very hard. I kept getting killed over and over again. I've played WWII GI and I thought that game was hard. This TC is worse. I rate it as fair with 2 out of 5 stars.

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spr-2.gif (51177 bytes)

spr-3.gif (48109 bytes)

spr-4.gif (35355 bytes)