RTCM - Duke3D Mod Reviews         Revised 7-18-2008 Release 1  (C) Eddy




Ultima TC




ltima TC Demo is for version 1.4/1.5. It has 44 levels and the file is 4.0MB in size. The file name is UltimaTC-FinalDemo.zip. It was released on January 18, 2000.

Ultima TC Demo was called a demo by it's author only because all the changes he wanted to make were not completed, I think. It is fully playable as is. With that said the level design is fair to good but the gameplay is poor. Some of the aliens strength is set so high that when I started the first level I was killed over and over again. As an example the pigcop replacement, Lo Wang, now has a strength of 675 instead of the original 100. Also some of the weapons have been replaced, some ammo amounts changed, and some enemies replaced. For some reason the freezer weapon would not work correcty for me. There is a lot of ammo around and a decent amount of health and items to find. Many of the levels are very dark even with the gamma turned up all the way in the game. Due to the gameplay I rate this TC as poor with 1 out of 5 stars.

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