Enhanced Duke - Patch Support  Revised 10-14-2014  Release 15 © RTCM Corvin

overview | What is EDuke? | Features | File Components | Upgrading to EDukeEDuke Cheats

RTCM EDuke Documents For v2.0
eduke-con-faq  |  eduke-con-guide | eduke-con-guide2


EDuke © Matt Saettler @ www.saettler.com/eduke
Game: Enhanced Duke v2.xx Build xxxx / v2.023 Build 19
aka:  EDuke
Released: v2.0 7/28/2000(1st)
Description: A Free patch update / enhancement to Duke Nukem Atomic Edition v1.5

What is EDuke?

EDuke is a project by Matt Saettler & the beta teams(testing) to modify sections of the Duke3Dv1.5/WWII GI source code. This has been approved an overseen by 3DRealms. 

The main idea is to import internal functions of the exe to controllable functions within the CONs, plus other enhancements. Allowing pursuit of the BUILD based version of Duke Nukem 3D.  Some functions being added are from other BUILD games that Matt Saettler has worked with. They include Blood ideas, NAM, and WWII GI code.

The EDuke v2.0 package includes a sample map and cons designed by the then beta testing team. It included a particle fountain, realistic ladders, sprite-based elevators, and a con-based transparent water effect, among other things. The Plutonium Bots(Ken Bots) can now be used in fake multiplayer. This sample package demonstrates some of the new language and does not attempt to show everything possible. Look for EDuke mods in near future...

This patch is for any player or mod author that wants to tryout the new enhancements. You'll enjoy all the old CON restrictions lifted.


The current release provides a few new features to the game.

EDuke 2.0 contained all the additions of WW2GI as well as numerous other enhancements.


  • Weapon operation has been inherited from WW2GI (v1.5 standards may be re-introduced in the next release)
    • Pipebombs work like Grenades or Player Trigger(CON set)
    • Devastator does not work, no projectile launches.
  • Multiplayer communications have been changed. It now includes whisper: messages sent to individual players.
  • To disable the echo effect for PCI sound cards use the command line: eduke /Z1
    (Do not use the PCI echo patch that is for use with other versions of Duke; use the command line switch now built into EDuke instead.)


  • Weapon defaults are no longer hardcoded, they now can be altered by editing the cons. Some features that can be changed: weapon speed, reload rates, projectile type, and more.
  • Global, per-player, and per-actor variables. Modder's no longer have to cannibalize the inventory system to store variables.
  • Access to sector information. Modder's could detect the hitag, lotag, floor or ceiling textures of the current sector, allowing for more sector-based effects (new hurt-floors, healing chambers, variant footstep sounds, etc.).
  • 1.4 and 1.5 CON codes can be directly imported (weapon behavior in next release will make this 100% compatible)
  • Much more information in the eduke.txt file included with the patch.
  • See the EDuke Official Site linked near top.
  • See the Econ FAQ
  • See the Econ Guides


  • Pistol uses an extra firing frame (a change made to accommodate the WWII GI authors(Team TNT).


Concerns: ;)

  • Weapon timings and animations are off in many places;
    Pistol Animation
    Devastator shoots "one missile"
    Chaingun Ammo ejects shells wrong side
    Pipebomb on timer rather than remote
  • There are cases where more or less unlabeled internal variables were accidentally used for multiple functions that weren't mutually exclusive.
  • It has a lot of additional overhead over the original game due to none of the added gamevar and event stuff actually ever being optimized, etc. It is a mess, it is bad. Understandably bad, given the time period in which it was written and the fact that it was written for free in Matt Saettler's spare time, but bad nonetheless!
  • more concerns?


File Components


  • Shadow Warrior Editart v7-24-96 Dated: 8-25-97 - (dos4gw bindings included!)
  • Redneck Rampage Makemap Xatrix v1.0 (BUILD vSEP161996)
    • Requires the external file dos4gw.exe
    • Over 1024 sector editing, without crashing.

File Components:

Directory of \EDukev2.0
Filename Size Date Time Description
_esamp.map 53 KB 6/17/2000 11:48:00 AM Sample map
dos4gw.exe 260 KB 2/29/1996 7:06:00 AM External DOS extender
editart.exe 246 KB 8/25/1997 1:20:00 PM Shadow Warrior Editart v7-24-96
eduke.con 148 KB 6/17/2000 12:04:00 PM Main CON file
eduke.exe 1116 KB 6/20/2000 9:19:22 PM Eduke v2.023 Build 16
eduke.txt 59 KB 6/20/2000 9:18:32 PM CON info, Eduke development history
enhance.con 3 KB 6/14/2000 7:38:44 PM Defines and gamedefs
esample.bat 1 KB 6/17/2000 9:16:30 PM Runs the sample map & CONs
esample.con 12 KB 6/20/2000 9:15:36 PM Sample CONs
esetmn.exe 593 KB 6/22/2000 8:41:02 PM Main Setup Program
esetup.bat 1 KB 6/22/2000 8:38:36 PM Runs esetmn.exe
makemap.exe 369 KB 4/7/1997 8:00:38 AM From Redneck Rampage (Build vSEP161996)
tiles014.mat 194 KB 6/17/2000 11:39:38 AM Sample art
Patch modifies
duke3d.exe 1218 KB (1246231) 7/24/2000 2:00:00 PM Your original exe
commit.exe 75 KB (76554) 7/24/2000 3:53:12 PM Your original exe


Backwards Compatibility:

  • Compatibility conversion is minor.
  • It can be obtained using miscellaneous tools and editing
  • All CONs from Duke v1.3d, 1.4/1.5, NAM, WWII GI (some may require manual editing of the CONs for complete accuracy in effect)
  • All maps from other BUILD games (requires Ken Silverman's map converters for some)
  • Add-ons that modified the old duke3d.exe will not work correctly. However the current EDuke installer allows you to either run true vanilla v1.5 or the EDuke.exe.
  • Overall, v1.5 will be the closest to compatibility, if you don't want to edit a TC or mod you download make sure you download v1.5 over v1.3 of the mod.

Upgrading to EDuke

Finding your version number:

  1. Startup duke3d.exe. Once you launch read the top line in the red bar. The version number is displayed there. If it indicates that it has the 'Parental Lock' then you must update with the correct patch. See the RTCM Patch Guide.
  2. Or load up your dn3dhelp.exe file and read the top line, v1.5 indicates : 'Duke Nukem Atomic v1.5 Technical Help' anything else is obviously not 1.5.. once you know you have v1.5, continue below.
  • You must Install From Windows. No DOS support for 3DRs installer.
  • Have a fresh install of Duke Nukem 3D v1.5 CD (with appropriate patches if it is an adult mode locked version).
  • Have your CD in the drive.
  • If you're using the Walmart CD, you will first need to patch it with the adult unlock patch. See: Patch Guide
  • If you're using the Plutonium Pak you will first need to patch it with the 1.4 to 1.5 patch. See: Patch Guide
  • If you're using the Kill-A-Ton CD, it will not install... pray for second release See: Patch Guide
  • If you're using the East Meets West CD, it will not install... pray for second release See: Patch Guide
  • Run the eduke##.exe to start the installation process.
  • If you receive this error upon installing: "COMMIT.EXE file old" - it is misleading. If you recopy the original file back into the original dir you will receive the same error message.
  • If you receive this error upon installing: "?????.exe" - this is an installer error; wait for the second release.

After completing installation:

  1. Reconfigure from the setup.exe
  2. Run esample.bat to play the EDuke sample map and sample CONs
  3. If you get the error "Lookup.dat not found" then you must have copied the EDuke files or Duke1.5 files from the CD to your duke directory manually. Check to make sure you remove the "Read Only" attribute to all the files (right click on the files to bring up the properties dialogue).

Installer Notes

  • The installer checks the date and time of every file, and then changes them. See "Important Date Note" line below for important information.
  • Kill-a-Ton and East Meets West CDs have different file dates. Installer won't update those CDs.*  See RTCMs Patch Guide Document.
  • It changes commit.exe's date and time; to make sure EDuke is played VS EDuke for multiplay?
  • It changes duke3d.exe's date and time: for copy protection.

*Note: If you have the Kill-a-Ton or East meets West CD's. This version of the installer will not work properly.
The next release of EDuke should hopefully solve any problems. Users that have already installed EDuke may need to reinstall a new copy of Duke1.5 from your CD before applying the next release of EDuke. (It's a windows installer so you will have to live with the irony of using an OS not supported by this game to install it).

**Note: There is a new DOS installer for Eduke2.0a that was made a week later after the first release(v2.0), it works fully even on special edition and Kill-a-Ton versions of DN3D.

Important Date Note:  When using the included installer, the files copied over have different date/time.  The change is from 12/11/96 7:50pm  to  12/11/96 12:50pm or 12/11/96 1:50pm 3D Realms Patches seem to work on the later date/time(1:50pm) I don't know why the installed dates vary when installed, this was noticed on two different systems. It should be noted if you Manually copy the files from the CD to the Hard Drive, 3D Realms patches won't recognize the files as being original and they won't install. This could include the EDuke patch as well.

This is not a 3DRealms product and is not supported by them, Do not contact them regarding EDuke instead support should be directed to the EDuke Web Site listed near the top of the page.

EDuke Cheat Codes

Cheats are inherited from the WW2GI cheats with the prefix being "MS" for Matt Saettler. Cheats are not customizable through the CONs.

msgod -GOD mode
msblood -get stuff
mslevel### level warp
msmatt (was todd)

Cheat bug: MSLevel### puts you on a blank map and dumps you from the game.