BUILD © Community Forums    v9-03-2015  Release 28   © RTCM Corvin

These forums are visited by your peers, BUILD Gamers. All support is derived from them as well. Among the community there are dozens of small forums that cover various topics. Some examples would be forums provided for Mod sites and generalized networks to discuss related topics.

Suggestions to link a forum are welcomed!

Before you ask a question try to use the Forums Search Functions to browse archived messages for answers. If you find a topic similar to the one you want to start, simply continue the thread. This will help everyone to have a "1 Topic" Thread with the answers and questions archived.

Source Code Port Forums | Standard Forums | The UseNet


Source Code Ports

These are the forums for the source code projects.

TerminX & Team - EDuke32 (

Hunter - hDuke (DNBrasil Forum Thread)

Hellfire - newDuke (DNBrasil Forum Thread)

ETTiNGRiNDER - EGwhaven ( RTCM Sub Forum Thread)


Standard Forums

The following list represents forums that are used as a grand meeting area.



Come Get Some!


Duke Espana (spanish)


AMC Web Forums


Shadow Warrior Central (S.W.C.)


Totally Redneck (Rampage)


Blood Line


The Postmortem


Transfusion (ReBUILD)


Russian Blood Community




3D Realms



Usenet Newsgroups

These newsgroups are filled with useful information about BUILD Games, search in 1994 to late 1990's for most BUILD Games. During that era they are filled with technical, editing and Map Editor help. There is also development information.

Google Groups - Archiving the Usenet!!

  • (Local)
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    duke3d.binaries may not be available through your ISP. Apparently this group doesn't follow the proper binary hierarchy, it was incorrectly created. The group is not valid, its a misplaced binary group.
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  • alt.msdos (Local)
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